You know how you always see or hear about all these damn shootings all over the place but they are always somewhere way the heck away?

Now I can say that we have had TWO in TWO DAYS!!. Both of which were less than five miles from here, one about two miles, actually. Neither of these were Gang Banger shootings either, one was a pissed off worker that shot his boss and himself and the other was some lady went bang bang at the local Veterans Affairs campus. I'm so proud.


Even the Damn Huffington Post took notice!

I keep saying I want to get the hell out of here.

It's getting way too much like a big city around here for this country boy.

It looks like I am flat going to have to get serious and tell the wife that we are moving this Summer after school is out so I don't have to listen to that B.S. argument. I need to see how badly Uncle Sam is going to screw me on taxes first.

I also see that I am going to have to do the legwork.

The wife is adamant about staying in Vancouver and I am just as adamant that I have had enough of the crime here.

I do the legwork, we move to where I find a place we can afford to live. Something that isn't too far out but I AM going to get away from this whole end of town.

It's getting to be hazardous to live around here.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Hey! We've Made The Big Time! Updated at : 2:26 AM
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

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