Companies hiring in JulyCompanies hiring in July

As of May, 5.4 million people were experiencing long-term unemployment*. If you were to ask any one of them to describe the job market, they probably wouldn't have many positive things to say. By Debra Auerbach, CareerBuilder WriterYet a new CareerBu…

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Live From Indianapolis IILive From Indianapolis II

We got down to business this morning with a 3 hour meeting of the Structure Committee followed by what was supposed to be a 2 hour hearing in the afternoon but it turned out to be another 2 hours of meeting instead.I am markedly impressed with the St…

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Two Days Without SugarTwo Days Without Sugar

I'm so grateful  to Missy for writing the post she did.  This 'no sugar' thing is really shaking things up from what I'm used to and I love it!Monday went really well.  I had no real cravings and I was able to make it through the day with no problem.…

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Saudi Arabia and ChinaSaudi Arabia and China

Saudis are buying nuclear-capable missiles from Chinavia DEBKAfile  debkafile’s military sources report that Saudi Arabia has set its feet on the path to a nuclear weapon capability and is negotiating in Beijng the purchase of Chinese nuc…

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30 days of Web Tools: #2: Google Chrome extensions that are useful for students30 days of Web Tools: #2: Google Chrome extensions that are useful for students

submitted by Fiona BealWhich browser do you use? Have you tried Google Chrome? I have three browsers installed on my computer (Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox) and I must say that Google Chrome is fast become my firm favourite. Recently I have …

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