Grace and me at the Women Food and God workshopI got a lot more out of this workshop than I expected. I don't even know where to start. I learned things I didn't expect to learn, and I didn't learn things I thought I would learn. The workshop isn't …
For a Liddypol Lad...

John Lennon would be turning 70 right about now...possibly a discomfiting thought for some baby-boomers, especially those who took to heart certain lyrics of the Who's "My Generation"..."I hope I die before I get old." As fate would have it, John Len…

The best part of the Geneen Roth workshop

It's midnight and once again, I can't sleep. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever sleep again. Insomnia sucks.Tonight I attended the first three hours of the Geneen Roth "Women Food and God" workshop. Tomorrow is eight more hours. Remember I read the book…

Why I Love Nye County

I rarely drive through Nye County without buying one or more of the local newspapers. There are at least 2: The Pahrump Valley Times and the Pahrump Mirror ("Nye County's only independent newspaper" -- not sure what that means but I sense that relati…