The Greg Hunter and Greg Mannarino show

No one is forcing anyone in equities markets.  I don't see anyone holding anyone at gun point as to where to put their money.  Perhaps some of you Wall Street addicts and news junkies from CNN just have to get a rush dishing out misinformation and you like to stay long and get killed in a sell off.  Embrace the horror then! :-)

So we get a pullback now on The Stock Market.  Yea what of it?  The DJIA could go up to 18,000 and it could go down to 10,000?  Brilliant!  I knew that.

"The best looking ladies at the ball" is Greg's new pet phrase.  He'll probably use that at the Liberty Mastermind Symposium in Las Vegas where he's scheduled to be one of the key note speakers on February 21st and 22nd.  You're a horrible speaker Greg:

Anything is possible here?  Wow, that took some high minded professional to convey that thought! :-)  What kind of interview is this?


"We are in the biggest bubble in the history of the world; and that is this debt bubble.  It is without a doubt Greg, the greatest threat to humankind..."
--Greg Mannarino 

Oh I see this is another book promotion to buy Greg Mannarino's book "The Politics of Money."  Greg explains the severity of the debt problem leading to a major crisis:

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Greg Mannarino says he's still bullish the market here Updated at : 4:13 AM
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

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