It's Smokey Bear's birthday with a party on TwitterIt's Smokey Bear's birthday with a party on Twitter

It's Smokey Bear's birthday but this Boomer bear is keeping current as he celebrated with a party on Twitter Friday afternoon. From 1-2:00 p.m. @Smokey_Bear, the 69-year-old interacted with fans in an interesting mix of nostalgia and reminders of fir…

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Happy 67th Birthday, President George W. BushHappy 67th Birthday, President George W. Bush

HAPPY 67th Birthday to President George W. Bush! A strong leader after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the 43rd President of the United States led this nation through those dark days of fear and financial instability.Thank you, Mr. President, for your…

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Happy Birthday Happy Birthday "Crazy Socks Day," President George H.W. Bush!

Got some crazy socks that sit in the drawer? Pull them out and proudly wear them for a good cause and, while you're at it, take a photo and post it on Facebook or Twitter (#41s89th)! Former President George H.W. Bush, commonly known as the dad of Pre…

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Shoe ShoppingShoe Shopping

I had an AWESOME weekend!The birthday celebration continued!  I had a shoe-shopping date with my friend Margie Friday afternoon.  I've found that as the weight has started to come off, I care more and more about the way I look.  I want to look nice, …

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Happy 28th Birthday!Happy 28th Birthday!

Yesterday I celebrated my 28th birthday.  Overall, the day itself was great.  While I did work, I was able to work at home and that helped make the day a little more enjoyable.  I'm trying to conserve my vacation time for an upcoming trip.....one of …

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