I am so proud to report that I have been consistently working out for almost a year and a half now... quickly approaching 2 years in November. I have not consistently stuck to working out this long ever in my life. Sure, I might be a 230ish pound f…
I am so proud to report that I have been consistently working out for almost a year and a half now... quickly approaching 2 years in November. I have not consistently stuck to working out this long ever in my life. Sure, I might be a 230ish pound f…
I've been absent from The Big Weight. I'm also pretty good at stating the obvious.I haven't had a lot to say these days, as I've gained/lost the same +/- 5 lbs. As I had been stating for several weeks now, I've had an incredibly hard time getting m…
On Saturday Joel and I ventured outdoors so that he could do some fishing, and I some picture taking. It was another nice weekend here in Virginia.Joel loves fishing. I like tagging along to keep him company. On occasion I have been known to throw…
Sometimes I just don't have anything to say, and last week was one of those times. Part of this is because I've been in a weight loss slump. When I'm not losing, then it's hard to find the inspiration to write something substantial. I know what ne…
First off, congratulations to Kari for winning the Weight Watchers Magazine giveaway :)! I think I'll start with the bad, then quickly move on to the good and pretend the bad was never discussed.I've been doing a lot of gaining, which means I've bee…
I'm glad I've reincorporated workouts back into my life. I had definitely taken some time off during most of October/November/December. Easing back into it with just 2 days per week have really worked to my advantage. It's just enough to make a di…
I appreciate all of your advice and encouragement on my breakdown post. Some of you stated that I am too hard on myself, and on one hand I know that I am my own worst critic. On the other hand, I know I cannot continue to make excuses for myself f…
Over the weekend, Joel's brother, Nathanael, hosted a "septathalon" in honor of his 30th birthday. It was held in St Mary's County, MD - down near the Chesapeake Bay.I snagged this pretty burnt heart on one of the dead trees near the riverThe Septat…
It's been a few months since I completed my last 5K.I've been searching around on Active.com for local events in my area and have found a few worth considering over the next few weeks. I'd really like to do a few fall themed ones, and so far have fo…
Hi.My name is Hilary and I ate a plate of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies tonight. Source.Even though I thought I messed them up (don't ask), and therefore should not even be worth eating. Even though I was convinced they didn't taste delicious (like …
On Saturday, Joel and I did our first NROLW workout in the gym. I enjoyed this SO much better. You might remember how I was scared to go to the gym to do these workouts because of all the super buff gym guys. Well, we did great - steadily making o…
During the hurricane on Saturday, Joel and I decided to give Just Dance 2 a try. It didn't take us long to get used to at all. You're basically trying to mimic what the person on the screen is doing, to the song of your choice. Also, they have a d…
I'm baaaccccckkkkk! (Warning: this is a long one - I didn't intend for this to go on and on but alas, that's what happened... read on if you wish :) )Hello friends! I hope you don't think I fell off the wagon, because I didn't! Here's a little catc…
Last Friday, I found myself reading Sam's post about having a choice. I'm glad I did!It was a Friday afterall, I actually had to go into the office (I typically either work at home on Friday's or I have that day off), and so a large part of me reall…
Here is the update for the HilJoe Competition - Week 3.Joel (6'): 241.8Hilary (5'8"): 256.4I'm back down to the prior week's weight - yay! I'm getting closer to those new tennis shoes I want so badly!…
Lately I've been trying to vary my workout. Since November I've been going to the gym at least 5 days/week for at least 30 minutes. In the last month I recently upped this amount to 35 minutes. By the beginning of July I'll be doing 40 minutes. H…
Courtesy of here.I've been dealing with some lower back pain this week. Over the weekend I did a lot of baking for Easter (5.5 hours worth!) and for some reason, being in Joel's kitchen for that length of time has been killing my back. I never noti…