In memory of our fallen brother, Gilberto SotoIn memory of our fallen brother, Gilberto Soto

Gilberto Soto and Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa.Teamster Gilberto Soto, the former president of Teamsters Local 11, stepped out of the house during a visit to his mother and was instantly assassinated by a trio of hitmen who were never caught…

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Oakland gives sweetheart deal to anti-worker creepOakland gives sweetheart deal to anti-worker creep

Take a look at this: A Teamster-hating, worker-screwing California business owner, who swindled port truck drivers out of nearly $1 million, is getting a $1.5 million handout from the city of Oakland. And to top it off, the city doesn’t have the mone…

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Port drivers doing worse now than during 1963 March on WashingtonPort drivers doing worse now than during 1963 March on Washington

LA port workers, still seeking justiceNext week is the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Marchers, including Teamsters from across the country, gathered in Washington, D.C., to demand good jobs for all people. T…

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