Beck Diet Solution: Week 3Beck Diet Solution: Week 3

It wasn't a great weekend..... for my sports teams!  Penn State, the Dallas Cowboys, and Jeff Gordon all lost their respective sports on Saturday/Sunday.  Even my secondary NFL team from the Motherland, the Stillers, took a beating to the…

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September Goals and a Chai Tea RecipeSeptember Goals and a Chai Tea Recipe

3 weeks in a row of losses! Yay!!Oh hey - notice something a little different?  :)  While my old layout wasn't bad, black wasn't exactly the most chipper color.  I It's time for me to think about what I want to work on for the month of September.Have…

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What's Wrong With My Bananas?What's Wrong With My Bananas?

As part of the Beck Challenge, we were asked to pick a day where we have to skip lunch.  By doing this, it is to teach us that it is actually 'ok' to feel hungry.  Despite my popular beliefs, it won't hurt me (this is news to me!), I won't die from o…

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Official Weigh In & Week 2 Challenge UpdatesOfficial Weigh In & Week 2 Challenge Updates

This morning I weighed in at 255.8!  That means I officially met my first goal!  I'm down a total of 8 lbs and today I picked up the Wii Just Dance 2 video game.  I'm excited to include this into my weekly workout routine.  Source.   I really hope t…

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Starting the Weekend Off Right!Starting the Weekend Off Right!

You saw me complaining on Thursday about my gain at the Weight Watchers meeting on Wednesday evening.  Well, even though I don't count that weigh in as my official weigh in, it still hurt.Friday's are my official weigh in days.  They have been for ye…

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