(illustration: AP)By Dylan Scott, Talking Points Memo05 November 13readersupportednews.org onna received the letter canceling her insurance plan on Sept. 16. Her insurance company, LifeWise of Washington, told her that they'd identified a new pla…
(illustration: AP)By Dylan Scott, Talking Points Memo05 November 13readersupportednews.org onna received the letter canceling her insurance plan on Sept. 16. Her insurance company, LifeWise of Washington, told her that they'd identified a new pla…
Volunteer Open House, Tonto National Forest Mesa Ranger District Office, Saturday, November 9Phoenix (October 28, 2013) – The annual Volunteer Program Open House will be held on Saturday, Nov. 9 at the Mesa Ranger District office, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. …
In our ever more unequal times, stats that once would have shocked us today often rate no more than a dismissive ho-hum. But pollsters with Wells Fargo last week shared a stat that might bring even the most jaded among us up short. …
By Paul Buchheitnationofchange.orgEven for Congress. They, and others who apparently don't study the facts, believe that Social Security is a government handout. But 'entitlement' means that people who have paid into a program all their lives are …
They're at it again.Billionaires like the Koch Brothers, Pete Peterson, Stanley Druckenmiller and others are leading the charge to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.If they succeed, millions of se…
The Alzheimer's Association is offering a free conference next Friday, October 25, from 1-4:45pm at the Payson Senior Center (514 West Main Street).Topics include "The Basics: Memory Loss, Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease," "Difficult Behaviors: What…
Social Security, the program that provides over half of American seniors a majority of their income, is more important than ever. Across America, nearly 58 billion workers and their families rely on Social Security every month to pay the…