George W. Bush: 'On this solemn anniversary, Laura and I join our fellow citizens in honoring our 35th President'George W. Bush: 'On this solemn anniversary, Laura and I join our fellow citizens in honoring our 35th President'

From Dallas, former President George W. Bush commented on the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy:"Today we remember a dark episode in our Nation's history, and we remember the leader whose life was cut short 50 yea…

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Remembering JFKRemembering JFK

Personal Memories of John F. Kennedy At 43, he was the youngest man to be elected and the only Catholic President of the United States. His youth and religion were issues in 1960 when he won the office by quite a bit less than a landslide. After his …

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UVa, Sabato offer free online course through CourseraUVa, Sabato offer free online course through Coursera

If you've heard of the free massive open online courses offered to anyone through Coursera, you may be interested in a course being offered for University of Virginia Professor Dr. Larry Sabato about President John F. Kennedy's life, administration, …

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