Something very exciting is about to take place in education nxt week – Unicef’s World Education Games, all free! Want to know more? Let’s go over to the official website to investigate further. If you lo…
Have you considered joining a Learning Circle to connect with global peers?
SchoolNet is a volunteer supporter and promoter of iEARN and we would like to give this project from iEARN some prominence since it will greatly benefit our SchoolNet members. It is a call for participation in learning circles - a project we have a…
Two South African teachers highlighted in the Global Classroom Project awards
Submitted by Fiona Beal with permission from Karen StadlerWe, at Schoolnet, are very proud of two of our teachers from South Africa who have been highlighted as ‘Global Lead Teachers’ in the Global Classroom Project. Karen Stadler is the ICT Integrat…

Books donation for a primary school in South Africa plus an opportunity to collaborate…
Recently we had a very interesting email from a teacher in Seattle who is a librarian at her school. She would like to donate some books to a school in South Africa and also set up a Skype collaboration with a teacher at this school. Here is an extra…
IdeaConnection: Open Innovation success story: Open Innovation: Goldcorp Challenge

"The Goldcorp Challenge was launched in March 2000 and 400 megabytes worth of data about the 55,000 acre site was placed on the company’s website. Everything that the company new about the Red Lake mine was a mouse click away. Word spread fast around…

IdeaConnection: Open Innovation success story: Open Innovation: Goldcorp Challenge

"The Goldcorp Challenge was launched in March 2000 and 400 megabytes worth of data about the 55,000 acre site was placed on the company’s website. Everything that the company new about the Red Lake mine was a mouse click away. Wor…

How to use Tweetchat for Twitter discussions
Submitted by Fiona BealIt all started when Philemon Kotsokoane tweeted me (on Twitter) saying “... I'd like to follow last night's chat on How do I access all the chat & remove smart pausing message?#edchatsa” Up to that point I had onl…
SA teachers – why not join the conversation from 20h30 to 21h30 each Monday evening on #edchatsa?
Submitted by Fiona Beal Not too long ago I came across an article that posed the question 'Is Twitter the Driving Force Behind Upcoming Educational Change?' and that question constantly echoes in my mind. Twitter is an incredible tool for sharing, s…
Why not install and use Tweetdeck for Twitter group chats?
Last Monday night from 8:30pm – 9:30pm one of our social media in education activitists in South Africa, Arthur Preston, Head at Elkanah House Primary School in Cape Town, introduced a Twitter chat for South African teachers on the #edchatsa hashtag.…
ISTE-NASA Education Project Application Deadline, January 15
ISTE and NASA are collaborating to provide a great project for Middle and High School teachers who are enthusiastic about SPACE. The selected teachers will work together in groups to produce educational materials for teachers and students about the …
12 places to find global projects for your class to get involved in
Our world is definitely becoming a global village! It is so much easier to connect with classes around the world in our technological age than ever before. It is really worth finding a global project to involve your class in. If you are looking for …
Don't forget to document your day on 11.11.11 with

Here is a message from Omashani our Projects Manager at SchoolNetSA:"On Friday 11 November 2011, students and teachers from around the world will document parts of their day using video, photography, writing, and other media. We hope you and your stu…
International Peace Day video - classes around the world working together

Submitted by Fiona BealOn Tuesday 16 August I wrote a blog post about a Grade 4 class in the USA wanting to create a peace video for International Peace Day on 21st September (…
The latest (2011–2012) iEARN project book has been released

Are you perhaps wanting to start a collaborative project with a class but you don’t quite know where to start? Omashani Naidoo who is the Operations Manager at SchoolNetSA brings our attention to the latest 2011-2012 iEARN Project Description Book wh…
What about joining up with a project on Children’s Rights?
We have all heard of the UNICEF Children's Rights. This is such a topical subject and it is worth getting your class to learn more about children's rights around the world. This is one of the IEARN projects that Omashani Naidoo, the Operations Manage…
A primary school project your students will love - the Monster project - sign up opens 12 September!
Last year we participated in a yearly project run by Terry Smith, Assistant Professor of Education at Western Illinois University in the USA. I was the IT support to Grade 5B at Fish Hoek Primary who actually won the Top Monster Award with their Toko…