Spend Thanksgiving weekend 2013 in historic Staunton, VirginiaSpend Thanksgiving weekend 2013 in historic Staunton, Virginia

There are few places as quaint and picturesque as the city of Staunton in the central Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Surrounded by the Blue Ridge and Appalachian mountains, this community-oriented small town celebrates holidays in style, and Thanksgi…

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RVA: Bethlehem Walk 2013RVA: Bethlehem Walk 2013

Walk the streets of Bethlehem and experience the time when Christ was born. In its ninth year, Bethlehem Walk, located west of Richmond, will offer a Christmas encounter sure to confirm the meaning of the season. From their Facebook page:Since its in…

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2013 Yuletide Feast at Michie Tavern2013 Yuletide Feast at Michie Tavern

2013 Yuletide FeastFriday, December 13th and Saturday, December 14thTickets remain for Friday, December 13 at 8:00,all other seatings have sold out.Each evening strolling Tavern musicians will entertain guests dining by candlelight.  The Ordinary wi…

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merry vacation to allmerry vacation to all

I had grand plans to have a whole house tour and shovel out one last dose of Christmas cheer. However, the cheer of real life got in the way and I'm having too much fun to sit still long enough to put together a proper tour. So these pictures will ha…

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the sea of swirly twirly gum dropsthe sea of swirly twirly gum drops

I have sick babies today, but wanted to share the gingerbread house we made a few days ago. The pre-made kit we had didn't give us nearly enough candy, in our opinion, so we added many many gumdrops left over from Eve's birthday celebration.Gumdrops …

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advent calendar bluesadvent calendar blues

I'm feeling a bit behind already and it's only December 5th.I've got lists made, presents half way complete, decorations underway and meals/parties planned but I'm slacking in one area. The advent calendar.We have a lovely felt calendar we pull out e…

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Weigh In + Weekly Goals + More Christmas CelebrationsWeigh In + Weekly Goals + More Christmas Celebrations

Well the verdict is in.... I am up 0.5 lbs and I'm okay with that.  After the serious eating challenges I've had almost the entire month of December, I'm not fretting about 0.5 lbs.  I know that things will start to move in the right direction this w…

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Merry Christmas + Week Recap!Merry Christmas + Week Recap!

I'll get the sad parts out of the way first.I've been doing a LOT of eating over the last several days, and I can feel the affects.  Next year I will have to come up with a better game plan if I'm going to do all that baking.  Not only that, but I wi…

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