What I love about using Google Chrome as a browser is the way it makes browsing so efficient and easy. There are so many very useful free Chrome extensions that you can add to your browser to have everything you need right at your finger tips. I ins…
Google #25 Create video notes when watching YouTube videos
http://www.videonot.es/Video notes is a great new tool that enables you to watch a video online and take notes at the same time. This could work really well with information that you want students to explore. This free application works with a number…

Google #22 Discover the potential of YouTube to motivate you as a teacher
There are so many really amazing, educational videos available on YouTube that can really motivate a teacher. These are often brief but powerful in the message expressed. Take a look at these few examples. 1) Connecting classrooms (1min 53secs)Cathy …

Google #21: Have you see the new #G+eduhangout site? Take a look…
One of the participants at the amazing Google Teacher Academy New York in October 2012, Brent Catlett, has created an awesome new site called #G+Eduhangouts. http://eduhangout.org/This is what Brent says about the site: This is Brent"#G+eduhangout ha…

Google #20: Six useful ‘Google in the classroom’ posts
There are just so many posts about how to use Google in the classroom that it is quite mind-blowing. Today I thought I would list a few of them that I have found helpful. Four excerpts come from come from one of my favourite blogs, the TeachThought b…

Google #19: Google glasses? This is INCREDIBLE technology!
What are Google glasses?submitted by Fiona BealI have been reading bits and pieces about Google glasses, and today I thought I would investigate further. All I can say is ‘Wow, wow, wow’. it is quite mind-blowing. You wear them like glasses but they …

Google #18: Create multiple browsers using Google Chrome

One of the really superb things about Google Chrome is that you can get to create multiple browsers. I thought I might show you my understanding of this by way of a screencast made with Screencastomatic.This multiple browser feature of Google Chrome …

Google #16: Convert your blog to an editable file on your computer!
Submitted by Fiona BealRecently I have read a couple of intriguing blog posts about the importance of backing up your blog, and even using sites such as BlogBooker to make a PDF or printed book of your blog – and I thought that today would be the day…

#15: Using Google Docs & Drive to do your planning
30 Days of Google series #15Have you ever wondered if there is an easier way to do your daily/weekly/year planning and lessons than either writing them out by hand (worst scenario) or typing them out and keeping them on your own computer? One of the …

30 Days of Google #14: How to create a live Hangout on Air
I have been quite fascinated by the concept of a Google Hangout plus the concept of Google+ Hangouts On Air, which lets you broadcast to an unlimited audience. I have experienced both and this is a real hit from Google. (I can’t say that I fully und…

30 Days of Google #13: Get the hang of a Google+ hangout (plus webinar recording)
What is a Google hangout?Google+ is Google's new social networking tool. I have only just discovered its amazing potential since attending the Google Teacher Academy in New York in October. Google has put a lot of funding into developing Google+ and …
30 Days of Google #12: How to send a message and share a circle using Google+
Google circles are a feature of Google+ and they can be very useful for keeping in contact with a group of people. For example I have a circle called Google PD clan.How I send a message to the Google PD clanWhenever I want to send something to that g…
30 Days of Google #11: How to create a new circle in Google+
Google+ works on the concept of circles each with the level of privacy that you decide on. This post shows you how to create a circle after you have completed your profile in Google+.1. Make sure you have joined Google+ (on the top left of your Gmail…
30 Days of Google #10: The versatility of Google Docs via @soxnevad

I love exploring Susan Oxenvad’s amazing blog Cool Tools for Teachers – do visit it and also follow Susan on Twitter. On her blog I came across a post with this this brilliant representation of ‘Great ways of using Google Documents’. Not only does sh…
30 Days of Google #9: Google Apps in the classroom
It’s incredible what you come across on the Internet. While I was researching today I came across a fantastic video presentation (webinar) showing 32 ways of using Google Apps in the classroom. I am very keen to learn all I can about Google Apps so …
30 Days of Google #8: Get to know Google+ (Includes a webinar recording)
Social networking is a way of life for most teachers today. It is a marvelous way for us to share and learn about new ideas that can really enhance our teaching. We know about social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for example, all desi…