Ballistic missile fired during Iranian war games (illustrative). Reuters

Expert: Iran Ships A Dry Run For Later Nuclear/EMP Attack; Humiliate Obama -- Washington Examiner

Iran's surprising decision to move warships off the Atlantic coast poses a potential catastrophic threat to America from a nuclear or electromagnetic pulse attack, according to an expert who foresaw Iran's move.

Peter Pry, an expert on EMP attacks, said the ships are likely a dry run for a future attack, a maneuver meant to lull Washington into complacency while also embarrassing President Obama and his effort to convince Tehran to give up production of a nuclear bomb in return for a lifting of some economic sanctions.

“Yes, patrols by the Iranian Navy off our coasts could pose threat of a surprise EMP attack,” said Pry, who with others such as former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, has convinced several state legislatures to take moves to harden their electric and energy grids from EMP attack because Washington won't.

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More News On Reports That Iran Is Preparing An EMP Attack Against The U.S.

Approaching Iranian warships raise EMP threat -- WND
Iran Bomb Threat Debated By EMP And National Security Experts -- Inquisitr
Members of Congress, Fmr. CIA Director Discuss Iran 'EMP Threat' -- Arutz Sheva
Glenn Beck says this fictional series about an Iranian attack ‘is the most incredible story that Americans should read’ -- The Blaze

My Comment: I am skeptical of these claims. If such an attack should occur .... I have confidence that  the U.S. will find out who was responsible and the retaliation will be massive. For Iran .... there is zero cost benefit in pulling such a stunt .... even if the religious extremists conduct it for their own personal reasons.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Is Iran Preparing An EMP Attack Against The U.S.? Updated at : 9:00 PM
Friday, February 14, 2014

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