I suspect that G4T is campaigning in southern California for some county Sheriff there and he's working his way into the "Oathkeepers" which is all part of the INFOWARS SUPER TRUTHER NEWS TEAM that spans across America and includes Mark Dice and Adam Kokesh and many others including their Super Bowl hero Matthew Mills from the "We Are Change" movement.  

These are all a mix of activists and CIA double agents, etc. who are working together to create chaos across America to keep everyone confused...I shouldn't give this away but I will...

The team players here are:
  • George Hemminger
  • Matthew Mills (recently recruited)
  • Adam Kokesh
  • Mark Dice
  • Rudy Davis
  • Richard Smith (a.k.a. "badfinger 05200")
  • Pastor David Manning
  • Jesse Ventura (he keeps his distance a bit but he's in)
  • The "Coast to Coast" radio gang
  • and many more....
This whole gang is sporting with what they call ALTERNATIVE NEWS and making fun of the brainwashed American culture being transformed into the New World Order.  This is all by design as they like to maintain chaos to prevent anyone from really threatening the progress of transforming everyone into the global community...

G4T is an OATHKEEPER now?  :-)  Sure!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo G4T at dinner with Sheriff Paul Schrader Updated at : 5:52 PM
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

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