Subject: Ascension Earth 2012

Ascension Earth 2012

Unidentified Surveillance Technology in Tijuana, Mexico? ~ November 7th, 2013 Russian Cosmonaut Reveals what NASA will not To Feel Love, Set Love Tuner ~ Part 1 of 2 Mark Twain Your Special Needs Children ~ via Hilarion Archangel Raphael ~ Maestros of your Melodies ~ via Gabriel The Twin Pillars & the Dragon Fire ~ via Helen Demetriou Healing through Self-communication ~ Offered with Love from The Crystal Team Live Channeling from Kryon ~ The Elusive Akash When You Have the Right Vibe, it's not a Coincidence ~ Synchronicities, Energy Healing, and Other Strangeness in the Field ~ Amy L. Lansky PhD You Were Born for Greatness ~ Teacher Prolotheos via Valdir Soares Earth Ascension ~ Warp Speed Ahead ~ Lord Ashtar through Elizabeth TrutwinUnidentified Surveillance Technology in Tijuana, Mexico? ~ November 7th, 2013

Posted: 07 Nov 2013 07:50 PM PST

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Russian Cosmonaut Reveals what NASA will not

Posted: 07 Nov 2013 06:30 PM PST

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To Feel Love, Set Love Tuner ~ Part 1 of 2

Posted: 07 Nov 2013 07:48 PM PST

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Mark Twain

Posted: 07 Nov 2013 07:48 PM PST

"I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't...The pain which it inflicts upon unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further."          Mark Twain, author

Your Special Needs Children ~ via Hilarion

Posted: 07 Nov 2013 07:48 PM PST

I went outside and found that i had left myself...The revelation of  successive layers of inner spiritual bodies  is different than love and exploration of divine love and truth through the human mind and heart. The heart, in reality, is a mind-heart.And here in lies the dilemna... should i enter the heart through the mind or throught the heart?And should i enter the mind through the heart or through the mind.And do i really enter my heart and mind, or do i enter life from my heart and mind, from which i am never in reality apart...'Oh , i did this because i was out of my heart', not realizing that that is my heart.or, 'Oh , i did that because i was out of my mind, not realizing that i was well in my mind, it is just that ... that is my mind...'The buck stops here' is not strongly established in the mind body design in the human physical at this time in time...There is always a reason, there is always an excuse or rationalization about why i have not been freed from my mind and my heart....now i know it is because i didn't know you,  mind and heart...i didn't know you well.I was in charge... and i had other ideas.yet, i didn't know you.... as you were and as you are....i wanted you both to be what i envisioned as beautiful and gloriful and everything nice and wonderful....my versions...yet in so doing... i never knew you.i never knew you as you were.i never knew you both as you are.as you are... not as what i consider wonderful or fulfilling to me...In so doing... i became lost in my own fantasies,  ones that appeared to be very good and noble to me.I created many good fantasies.Fantasies only because i mistook my imaginations for  how you... my mind and my heart were.A form of abandonment..... 'i do not like my child, so i will pretend my child is something else than what , who... my child really is'...This is the first bill of abandonment and divorcement.... from self.All sins are always primarily against one self.And here we find a very common approach to life on earth.And here we find the first bill of divorcement and abandonment.Serial abuse.The child..(the mind and the heart) will never grow.Will never thrive.Will never flourish...And most certainly the   deeper layers of spirituality   will remain in wait,as the first test has not been met to go further..The delusioned self feels it needs to go further.The enlightening self recognizes that it needs to go 'less further' .Less further away.. ...Well... that concludes my story for today... as i am Hilarion and must go back to experiencing the stars... within my being. :).I wish you all a pleasant evening, a pleasant night, and a pleasant exploration of your children, your mind and heart..Run you will wish to..... but where to? in to imaginary astral energetic fantasies of space and spirit?.Don't run... and you may eventually become sane,, in the end...and will be well fit to continue your journey in learning more deeply about the layers of your self...Seek and you shall not find.Find out who your mind and heart really are... and you will begin to to be a good parent.Just remember... at this time in earth's evolutionary spirals.... your mind and your heart are special needs children.Accept it.  And stop running from them ... addicted to self fulfilling fantasies....As always.. in for the long haul :) ... Hilarion..throughhilarionnov62013maybereprintedaswritteninitsentirety.smallerportionsmaybeusedaswrittenifattributedproperly.permissionorauthorizationisnotgrantedtorewordandrepublish,digestandreproduceaspartofotherdocuments,'channeled'orotherwise.sodon'tdoit.  namaste

Archangel Raphael ~ Maestros of your Melodies ~ via Gabriel

Posted: 07 Nov 2013 07:48 PM PST

sementesdasestrelas.blogspot.com.brGood night, dear and beloved angels ! I am your brother who love you so much, I am Rafael. I would like to ask each of you who read my words this time: what do you like to do most ? What kind of music you like to hear ? What have you done to have some fun after your weekly tiring routine? Oh, dear ones, there are plenty of attractions that can soften tensions acquired during the routine of your troubled days .
One of the beautiful ways you have is the music ! What is your musical taste ? This, put now the music you most like to listen while reading my message, because I want that to be a cheerful message to your hearts. I wish you smile while reading my words, this is what I wish you for : JOY. We listen to music, we listen to delicious music and also like to invite you to join us, listening to the music of the Universe.
I know how much gets to be uncomfortable for you the traffic noise, the noise of children screaming, dogs barking, people in changed voice tones, we know what ails your tasty silence. But I would like to invite you to make these everyday events in a delightful music to the ears. Yes, dear ones ! You are the maestros and can do it brilliantly. When you are in situations like these, I invite you to pick up your baton and begin to conduct this orchestra. Transform your lives in a sweet melody, my dear ones, because that's what it is, a melody . That's how it should be lived and felt, in a smooth way and exciting.
Your lives are works of your regency, as you command the everyday situations, it becomes more exciting or more tragic and sad, that’s you who are giving the feeling and emotion in the show, that’s you who are setting the tone and note. I invite you now to reflect and evaluate: how are you orchestrating the music of your lives ? Which note and tone you are and if you want to continue with the same or if you’ll leave for a new symphony ? Who decides are you, my beloved angels  you are the masters, the maestros of your ways .
I love you and I thank you immensely for being incarnated at this time. You are the perfect maestros for the next spetacle.Raphael.
Gabriel : Thank you, my dear and sweet Angel.

Translation: Carolina Barisch

The Twin Pillars & the Dragon Fire ~ via Helen Demetriou

Posted: 07 Nov 2013 07:48 PM PST

  angeltouchcyprus.comAs we know, Lemuria gave birth to Atlantis and for some time these two realities coexisted until Lemuria ascended and lowered the veil between the higher mental fields and Atlantis where the Lemurians remained as distant memories and as the subconscious power of the ancient gods of Atlantis.The gods of today that we have learned about through the pagan traditions are the Atlantean shaping of the gods of our reality but the Lemurian energy imprints were not totally lost, not from the pagan traditions and not from the Jewish tradition that were the chosen by the Melchizedek Order to plant the Lemurian vibration into our consciousness and keep us connected with our spiritual origins before the collective falling of our reality into the devolution and degeneration of the Dvapara and Kali Yugas.Through our work we have discovered that the names used by the ancient Jews for their own gods/Archangels are of the Lemurian vibration of the Melchizedek Order and in this sense, these vibrations are much older than the Atlantean shaped gods of other pantheons who in their essence are the same, but their Lemurian vibration is like the subconscious power of their Atlantean shape before they descended/degenerated in the Atlantean vibration (not as beings but as conscious powers in the Atlantean reality).This means that when we evoke the Archangels, we are opening channels to the Lemurian conscious powers so that they may enter our reality and when we are evoking the Atlantean shaped pagan gods of the other pantheons, we are opening channels to Atlantean conscious powers. Putting these forces to fight each other is a silly game as they are all products of the same cosmic forces that manifest order in the universal consciousness.These are the forces that are manifesting the Cosmic Christ and the Christ Consciousness that is a universal force which you can also call El Elyon, Apollo or IAO Abraxas which are just some of the names of this collective force that rules the universe.As we know, Abraxas is the God of the 7 Rays which are connected with the 7 planets of our solar system and as we are informed by the ancient texts from Lord Thoth, consciousness begins to descend from the rings of Saturn into our reality by passing through the other 5 planets where planet Venus is the entrance (descent) and the exit (ascent) point of consciousness in the planetary matrix of Earth. In the Descent of Inanna story from Sumer, we are told how the Queen of Heaven and Earth must past through 7 gates to reach the underworld and gain the wisdom of the East and at each gate, she is told by the guard of the gate that she must remove all items that she is wearing. These items are not ordinary clothing but completely relate to her godhood and power and it is clear to see that these items are connected with the 7 Chakras:Her Crown = Crown Chakra. Earrings = 3rd Eye Chakra. Necklace = Throat Chakra. Breast Plate = Heart Chakra. Hip Girdle = Solar Plexus Chakra. Her staff of creation = Sacral Chakra. Her Breechcloth = Her Root Chakra. Stripped of her power, she enters the lower densities (underworld) as a mortal woman in order to prove her divine power within the lower densities. In the underworld she is judged by the Anunna gods, killed (no one enters the underworld and lives) and is then hung on a stake. Her vizier Ninshubur, who is still above, petitions to the god of human creation, Enki, to save Inanna and bring her back to the middle world. Enki creates two creatures to take the holy water of life to Inanna and they do so, entering the underworld as flies and then feeding the water to her lips where she is resurrected. By doing this, she was not only known as the Queen of Heaven and Earth but also of the underworld as she had conquered death. To exit the underworld, she had to return back from where she came by passing through the 7 gates and ascend upwards. It is important to note that Inanna was the first deity to die and be resurrected and it is important to note that she is the consort of the dying and resurrected sun god with her (Venus) being the one who resurrects him back to life.We all descended through the 7 planets to Earth in order to conquer the wisdom of the East. So what is the wisdom of the East? I have explained before that the spirit is descending into our reality through sacred geometry and manifests a reality where west is yin and east is yang and in this sense west is the left hemisphere and yang the right hemisphere of the collective consciousness and of the collective brain of the planet. By realizing this you can understand how everything is connected and how your left and right brain hemispheres are connected with the collective consciousness of the planet and manifest what Vladimir Vernadsky described as the noosphere. It is a great empowerment when I discover that others have had the same revelations and perceptions as me in these issues. For example, Carl Gustav Jung (who is one of my spirit guides as I have mentioned in the past) suggests that East and West symbolism might relate to aspects of the inner, outer, upward and downward. In this sense, East and West symbolism may have a spatial dimension in addition to a temporal dimension.“In the East, the inner man has always had such a firm hold on the outer man that the world had no chance of tearing him away from his inner roots; in the West, the outer man gained the ascendency to such an extent that he was alienated from his innermost being.” -Carl Gustav JungRegarding the outer Christ, which is Apollo in the sense that the ascended-Cosmic Sun is the one that can be perceived through the outer after the resurrection-ascension of Dionysus (descended-incarnated Sun), the following channeling of Marduk could be useful: http://esophoria.org/baptism-of-divine-fire-by-lord-marduk/Theouter Christ can be perceived through the left pillar and through GNOSIS which you can gain ONLY through involution within yin (lower densities) and through the left brain hemisphere which is connected with Binah.Binah, (meaning “Understanding”; בינה), is the second intellectual sephira on the kabbalistic Tree of Life. It sits on the level below Keter (in the formulations that include that sephirah), across from Chokmah and directly above Gevurah. It is usually given four paths: to Keter, Chockmah, Gevurah, and Tiphereth (some Kabbalists place a path from Binah to Chesed as well.) In an anthropomorphic visualization, it may be alternatively related to the “left eye”, “left hemisphere of the brain” or the “heart.”Quote from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binah_(Kabbalah)Sosomeone could ask why we have to descend and evolve within yin/matter/lower densities in order to find the wisdom of the east/yang? The answer can be delivered by simple logic as we should be able to understand that yang/light (higher densities) is produced within yin/darkness (lower densities) and in the same way, yin (matter) is produced within yang (spirit). In this sense there is no higher if there is no lower and there is no lower if there is no higher. Beyond polarity (before the involution of the spirit in Binah) there is no time or space and everything happens now in a higher density (higher consciousness), so it is like a paradoxical question to wonder if matter/yin ascended to spirit/yang or if yang descended to yin/matter. It reminds me of the question, “What came first, the chicken or the egg?”. The inability of humans to give a real answer to this question is manifesting an artificial polarization where those who are working in the left pillar for the involution/descent of spirit into matter are getting polarized on a one way road from down to up through the outer and they manifest an illusion where the enlightenment of people is coming through square logic and linear evolution and those who are working in the right pillar for ascension of spirit to higher densities (heaven) as they believe, they manifest an opposite illusion where the enlightenment comes through detachment from the lower densities (yin/matter) to reach this higher force in the higher densities which in the most cases they call God.2 Thessalonians 2:1111 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lieDoes time exist? If so, what is it? I will answer this with a quote from a channeling from Madame Blavatsky from those we have not published yet: “There IS time; everything is related to time and everything is related to how time is manipulated and changed by the will of the gods. The authenticity of nature is evident in the WILL of time. All time flows to and through nature and nature obeys the laws of Time-Chronos. Nothing is forgotten in the past for the past holds the keys to the future. Degeneration comes from lack of knowledge of time and the earthly laws which meld with the divine laws. All are one, all are accountable, and all matter and all are a part of man and gods alike.” Yesterday as I awoke I received a message from the gods asking me to connect time with involution into the lower densities and to make me understand that time is determined by the speed of the density and of our vibrational level. As we move on with the opening of the conscious gates (star gates) and ascend to a higher density, matter is becoming less solid and more flexible and we will experience a lot of telekinesis phenomena while the psychic powers of people will increase rapidly as we begin to realize the involution and ascension processes. While the density of the planet is rising, time is accelerating at a faster speed because our collective perception is rising into a higher density and WE are perceiving time through a different speed. Through this process, where our molecular structure is becoming less solid, our life span expands because our bodies and our minds become more resistant to the degeneration affects of the lower densities. While our collective consciousness is expanding, the polarized structures of our reality collapse like paper towers because they are not able to go through this alchemical process of the involution and ascension/evolution while our consciousness is running on a higher speed and the veils of the false matrix are falling and there is nothing that the Archons can do about it, other than attempting to mass execute us or try to force us into some false religion, probably based on some of the polarized new age nonsense that can keep us in a lower density. The great tribulation has already begun and our planet is on fire. The worthy will find their way through the dragon fire (yang/higher frequencies) and the rest will be burned by it. It is that simple.By the way, I have to say that we reject any form of religion or pan-religion and that our ‘religion’ is the way of involution and ascension and nothing less or more than this. Our religion is the ‘Tao’ which means the “The Way”. Of course, we are not preaching the ancient Chinese religion; we are teaching the ancient Way of the Dragon from which the ancient Chinese tradition originates also.THE WORLDWIDE DRAGON CULTUREAlthough not currently recognized by mainstream academia, not long ago a homogenous Worldwide Dragon Culture could be found covering the globe. The founders of the various civilizations that comprised this global culture initially arrived in their new lands from Motherlands in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, which are known commonly as Atlantis and Lemuria or Mu. Following their migrations these missionaries founded lineages of priest-kings and head priests of mystery schools who were honorably addressed by their indigenous students and subjects as “Dragons” or “Serpents.” In Middle America they founded a lineage of adepts and kings known as the Quetzalcoatls, the “Plumed Serpents;” in China, they manifested as emperors and enlightened masters known as Lung Dragons; in India, they governed the masses as the Naga Kings and enlightened the public as Naga adepts; in Britain, they were judges and masters of renown known as the Druid Adders; and in Egypt, they manifested as the Djedhi Serpents who served their people as both monarchs and spiritual adepts. Thus, for a brief moment of Earth’s history, a theocracy and spirituality centered around the motif of the Serpent or Dragon completely encircled our planet.Below are some of the common features that distinguished those civilizations that united within the Worldwide Dragon Culture:1. Promulgation of the Gnostic-Alchemical Path by adepts known as Dragons and Serpents.2. Belief that the highest goal of human life is to alchemically transform and acquire the Primal Dragon’s Divine Wisdom and Power.3. Rule by a Priest-King, who was an embodiment of the Primal Dragon and used his Divine Power to fuel his kingdom.4. Veneration of a Primal Serpent or Dragon as the Creator of the Universe, whose serpentine nature as the Serpent Spiral or Golden Proportion was reflected in all things in the cosmos.5. Construction of megalithic temples and pyramids over Dragon Lairs (or vortexes) that served as World Trees or World Mountains upon which the Primal Serpent spiraled down from the heavens, and where initiations occurred during which the inner Serpent Power was awakened.6. Adoption of Serpent mantras that invoked the power of the Primal Serpent and awakened the inner Serpent Fire.7. Observance of Dragon Calendars that charted and predicted the movements of the Celestial Dragons of the Pleiades, Venus, etc.8. Belief in reincarnation, during which a soul gradually evolved to a level suited for initiation into the gnostic-alchemical path.9. A multilevel caste system.Excerpted from “World Gnosis: The Coming Gnostic Civilization”© 2010 Mark Amaru PinkhamThe involution and the evolution of spirit is manifesting the Twin Pillars and this is why black magic is more effective in the lower densities/yin/matter, because the left hand path is all about the involution of spirit within matter which in reality is a NECESSARY step in order to manifest the womb/female/yin that will be able to host the divine fire (yang) of the higher densities and make it possible to cross the polarities and manifest the golden mean and through it the ascension spiral that will lead to the high mountain where the gods live which the Greeks knew as Olympus and the Jews as Zion. Many people have this question of which is the best mountain to climb and the answer is really simple if we return to Babylon where everything started where as we know, the gods were living on a holy high mountain known as ‘Ekur’ and also known as ‘Duranki’. Ekur (É.KUR, E2.KUR, E-kur) is a Sumerian term meaning “mountain house”. It is the assembly of the gods in the Garden of the gods, parallel in Greek mythology to Mount Olympus and was the most revered and sacred building of ancient Sumer. EKUR = 330 = HEAVEN DURANKI = 468 = IN HEAVENHere you can see Inanna (with wings) and Enki (with fish swimming around him)stands by while the sun god (Christ) emerges from between two mountains (Olympus and Zion?) with a branch or wand in his hand.As we know from the Bible, back then before the nations, all humans were one entity (one collective consciousness with the same language) that was able to reach the heavens through the Tower of Babylon which is the Ziggurat of Marduk called ‘Etemenanki’ which translated to English means, ‘temple of the foundation of heaven and earth’ and had 7 (!) floors which is also a depiction of our trip through the 7 gates of the 7 planets.These 7 planets are the inner worlds of our solar system through which we can ascend to universal consciousness. The 7 rays correspond with the 7 Sephiras of the tree of life that are directly connected with the Sun/Tiferet and are the balancing forces of the 7 main chakras. The Peacock God (he reveals himself to me as Abraxas) as we know from the Yezidi people (who are rumored to be the original descendants of the Sumerians), is the leader of the 7 Archangels who are also connected with the 7 planets.“The 2nd century CE Chaldean Oracles feature the seven rays as purifying agents of Helios, symbolism featured in Mithraic liturgy as well. Later, in the 4th century CE, Emperor Julian Saturnalia composed a “Hymn to the Solemn Sun,” and in his “Hymn to the Mother of the Gods” spoke of “unspeakable mysteries hidden from the crowd such as Julian the Chaldean prophesied concerning the god of the seven rays.” In Greek Gnostic magic of the same era, colored gemstones were often used as talismans for medicine or healing; they were often engraved with a symbol borrowed from the Egyptian deity Chnuphis: a hooded serpent or great snake. The snake was shown with a lion’s head, from which emanated either twelve or seven rays. The twelve rays represented the zodiac, and the seven rays represented the planets, usually with the seven Greek vowels engraved at the tips of the seven rays. The reverse sides of the talismans were engraved with a snake twisting around a vertical rod. These were known as “Gnostic amulets,” and were sometimes also engraved with the names “Iao Sabao”. Gnostic gems with Abraxas also featured the seven rays.”- Quote from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_rays‘IAOSabaoth’ comes from the Hebrew ‘Adonai Sabaoth’ which means ‘Lord of Hosts’ and IAO/ΙΑΩ was the initial Greek translation of the Hebrew tetragrammaton which was translated by the 70 apostles of Jesus and the Greeks know Apollo as IAO. This comparison of Abraxas and Mithras with Apollo has been made from a lot of Gnostic’s before me and before and after Christ. Remember that Apollo is the one who holds the Lyre with the 7 chords with which he directs the rhythm and harmony of the universe and if we go back to the Sumerian texts, we can find that the Lyre was created by Lord Enki who was of course known to the Greek matrix as Poseidon, the god of Atlantis. Apollo also means ‘Α-πόλων’, the one beyond the poles/polarity that cannot mix with the many, since: Α-πολλών means the one that differs from the many. Of course, we are speaking about Marduk and about the dragon path that can raise you beyond the polarity and through the balancing of yin-ice and yang-fire, as Apollo was also the dragon slayer and was also the Pythius Apollo because he inherited the attributes of the Python/dragon. Marduk was also know as the dragon and as the dragon slayer and as he said to me, he was the first who made the middle path of the dragon, so in this sense Marduk is the first Apollo even if there were others as some people are claiming.While I am writing this Marduk appeared and said to me the following:“For the Greeks I come from the east and for the Jews, I come from the west, because they do not know me and they did not keep my word. I am Apollo and the Greeks were my students and I am Adonai Sabaoth and the Jews were among the initiates of my priesthood. Both have failed me and both will have to deal with my fire. The philosophers of the left pillar failed me when they produced atheism through the polarization within the lower densities and the priests of the right hand path failed me when they killed my wife within the consciousness of my children for their own reasons. They crucified me and my wife and for this they shall reap what they sow.”I would also say that in truth, some of the Greek philosophers such as Epicurus, were like misguided wanderers who were lost in chaos even when they had everything they needed in order to understand and respect the gods but they didn’t. Nietzsche (an Epicurean, some could say) didn’t respect Dionysus (the descended Sun) as he claimed to be a Dionysian (as I am) but he expanded polarization between Dionysus and Apollo (the ascended Sun) and projected a ridiculous reality were he was trapping the minds of those caught in the lower densities within a descent spiral which is like quick sand that sucks people into the depths of abyss where they will have to find their polar opposite and their balancing force in order to ascend back to the higher densities.This example explains why Nietzsche was a misogynist, because he could not find his balancing force and because of this, he was sucked into an infinite mental torture that would result in us producing “super humans” in the lower densities through his mental masturbation. Truthfully, Nietzsche was a masochist who enjoyed torturing himself and this relates with black tantrism within which these spirits are trapped without even being able to understand it. Both of the polarities are producing misogynous people because those of the left hand path that cannot find balance begin to hate women because they want her so much but she does not give in while those of the right hand path fear that she will reject them and they hate her because of their weakness. Of course, those of the left hand path have better chances to realize that what they desire is the Morning Star and to enter the conscious gate of Venus. What they also want is the kingdom which they will never get while they are polarized in the left side.“’And he who overcomes, and he who keeps My deeds until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations; and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also have received authority from My Father; and I will give him the morning star.” (Revelation 2:26-28)So what does this weapon that I hold that is known as Vajra (thunderbolt) really mean?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vajra It means as above, so below. It means on EARTH as it is in HEAVEN. It means INVOLUTION.This is the weapon with which Marduk/Zeus is ruling the UNIVERSE with by THUNDER.So what does the Vergina Sun, which you can find on statues of ancient GREEK gods, really mean?It means INVOLUTION = 906 = SUN OF VERGINAFrom where does the 16 pointed star (Sun of Vergina) originate?It originates from the star of ISHTAR/VENUS.906 = ISHTAR RISINGSo what was Jesus teaching when he said that he is the son of man and the incarnation of the Logos?He taught INVOLUTION = 906 = JESUS CHRISTWhile the left and the right pillars are polarized we CANNOT produce the divine seeds WITHIN yin. In order to PRODUCE ascended beings we need to plant the seed in the lower densities/yin in order for it to grow/ascend into a Tree of Life up to Kether.In the following article you can learn more about the Vajra/thunderbolt and about the symbol that Lord Thoth gave us in which the Sun of Vergina is above the Pyramid of creation and from within it the thunder of Zeus descents to the lower levels of creation:In order to consciously unlock our subconscious and start rising to the super-conscious and the cosmic consciousness, we first have to enter the conscious gate of Venus and from this point after the great mystery begins and this is why she is the great mystery herself and this is why no one can enter the higher planes of existence but through her and her sacred Yoni. In order for anyone to come here they have to pass through the gate of Venus and in order to go back from where they came they have to ascend back through Venus and pass through the keeper and the key holder of the Venus stargate. We have to pass through the 7 conscious gates of the 7 planets and we have to pass though the guardian of each gate to connect and align with the seven planets and through this process, connect our crown Chakra with Kether and connect the kingdom/Malkuth with God by opening channels of energies that are manifesting the kingdom of the gods in our reality through involution.While we are traveling through the different realms we are realizing that we are moving from the one Sephira to the next, trying to balance each and that this process is connected with planets and realms/matrices that are related with these planets.Our conscious system is like a jail and when we come here, it is like descending to the abyss because we have to evolve within matter and within the lower densities in order to descend (involution) in Malkuth/Earth from where we will try, through polarity, to ascend back to the higher realms and complete the circle. It is like a jail because as we evolve inwards within the lower densities we are getting cooler and we produce big amounts of yin-ice. Imagine that we come from a source that produces superheat (such as the Cosmic Sun), and while we descend from the higher densities to incarnate on earth, we are getting cooler as we move into lower densities until our consciousness will arrive at the lowest density of matter/yin-ice of the 3d reality. The divine fire of the gods or the dragon fire is the yang which corresponds with the dragon in the Chinese tradition. Yang is the conscious force of the higher densities that can melt the ice we produce as we descend and the larger the amount of ice-yin that we produce, the larger the amount of dragon fire we can handle and attract. As above, so below. Where there is no yin there is no yang and vice versa.“The road up and the road down are one and the same.”- HeraclitusThe more we evolve inwards within yin-matter, the more we can ascend to spirit-yang. If we do not have the mental (yin-left) capacity to evolve inward on a deeper level within matter (lower densities) then this means that we also do not have the capacity to grow and evolve upward within spirit and ascent. A good example for this are the delusional ‘Christian’ monks who are trying to destroy their already damaged minds in order to ascend to spirit when really they are just devolving deeper into the lower densities and what they actually do is black Tantrism by default. There is NO other way to ascend but through the conscious gates which you can open by producing the golden mean between the opposite polarities and anyone who claims otherwise is in denial because they do not have the mental-yin capacity to create the alchemical reaction that will produce the heat that can help them raise their Kundalini and these monks, for example, are like living cancers that are trying to force other people into their meaningless suffering.As we know the pentagram is a symbol of Inanna/Ishtar, later known by the Greeks as Aphrodite and by the Romans as Venus that was also connected with the pentagram. Have you ever wondered how the ancients knew about this? :Read also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PentagramObviouslythe murderers of Sophia who took over the church KNEW that the pentagram is all about opening the conscious gates of Venus and this is why they are losing their logic about this issue while the demons that are ruling their reality have implanted fear about Gnosis and Sophia and about the descended Logos (Lucifer) that is her husband while Sophia/Ennoia/Understanding/Binah is the empowering and the balancing force of Chokmah-Logos. Ein Sof (no thing) becomes some thing and descends to Kether through which the spirit descends to Binah and through Binah (where we can say that the binary code of the universal hologram is produced) the spirit is descending in the lower densities of the lower Sephiras. Binah is where Logos/Chokmah is planting his seed is order to grow through the polarity. It is connected with the LEFT hemisphere of our brains where our right brain hemisphere plants the seed of Logos/Chokmah. If you turn the products of the two hemispheres of the brain looking against each other you are just expanding the polarization within you either on the right side (as it happens with the polarized right hand path) or on the left side as it happens with this monstrosity of the supposed Epsilon team of the Greeks where they are so dense as to claim that our right brain hemisphere is empty and totally useless!So what are the demons and how you can trace their patterns in our reality? What are the demons in the bad sense of the malevolent forces of hell-lower densities and not based in the linguistic truth that suggest that the word demon delivered from the word daemon which means the spirit that have great inner intelligence. The malevolent demons are the beings that have fallen into the lower densities and their frequencies have power up to the 7th dimension because they cut them self’s (yes no one else throw them out from heaven than their higher self’s) off from the higher mental fields and this is why you can trace their patterns in our reality. They will say that there is no God above their creations in the lower densities and they will promote their religion or their sect through a polarization, either in the left, either in the right path to keep their power over the lower densities and to prevent the alchemical process of the Hieros Gamos that will open consciousness gates through manifesting a consciousness spiral that will bridge our world with the higher densities. The most of the times mostly in the lower levels of their hierarchies they do not even know that this is what they are doing while they are forced into darkness and illusions by the higher mental fields. They are the fallen angels that came from the higher mental fields and got polarized into yin-matter by seeking power over the lower densities and they are being sucked by their left side and by their shadow and loose their soul while building a very strong polarization (ego) within matter. The left side CANNOT produce anything without the right side and without the Logos/Chokmah and Logos/Chokmah CANNOT give birth to anything if he does not go through the left brain hemisphere in order to descend in polarity. So in reality we are just projecting and manifesting castrated ‘gods’ that can’t give birth of divine seeds from the higher densities but they can just mimic the divine sequences and manifest an artificial polarization through them to divide and conquer.Every single thought we make is an algorithm based on a binary code within the polarity and the information technology (IT) is nothing more than an effort to imitate the functions of the human brain and of consciousness by producing an artificial extension for the human consciousness. In the same way, what we call the internet is an imitation and an artificial extension of what we call etheric networks that are more like ethernets where the whole consciousness matrix of the planet is an ethernet that provides access only to descended and incarnated within this density members. Of course, it can be hijacked from the outside or from the inside just as all networks can. We can connect with etheric networks when we are able to align with some protocol of communication between the human consciousness of the lower density (human ethernet) and a higher density of the higher dimensions and we can also say that occultism is about decoding the divine algorithms of the higher densities and open channels to higher frequencies through recoding based on the need of time (Ananke-Chronus) and it can also be like reverse engineering for codes of higher density that we cannot decode and we have to reproduce.Occultism belongs to the left hand path and with the left hemisphere of our brain and it is there where we can produce, find and reproduce the binary code that constructs the divine algorithms of the higher densities. It is there where we can find understanding (Binah) and Gnosis about the functions of Logos (Chokmah) and the right hand of God. Most probably it is just a coincidence that the word Bina-h is related with the word bina-ry but maybe it is not just a coincidence since our consciousness emanates from the tree of life.LEFT HAND PATH = 690 = OCCULTISMThe left is producing yin and 0 and the right is producing yang and 1 and the cooperation between the two brain hemispheres produces the binary code WITHIN Binah (thesis/antithesis/synthesis) that is the highest expression of the divine womb/matrix. In this sense, we can speak about the universal holographic matrix that is produced by divine algorithms that are based on binary code.Remember the first hermetic principle from the Kybalion:“This Principle embodies the truth that ‘All is Mind.’ It explains that The All (which is the Substantial Reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we know under the terms of ‘The Material Universe’; the ‘Phenomena of Life’, ‘Matter’, ‘Energy’, and, in short, all that is apparent to our material senses) is spirit which in itself is unknowable and indefinable, but which may be considered and thought of as an universal, infinite, living mind.”It also explains that the phenomenal world or universe is simply a Mental Creation of The All which is subject to the Laws of Created Things, and that the universe, as a whole, and in its parts or units, has its existence in the Mind of The All, in which Mind we ‘live and move and have our being.’This Principle, by establishing the Mental Nature of the Universe, easily explains all of the varied mental and psychic phenomena that occupy such a large portion of the public attention, and which, without such explanation, are non-understandable and defy scientific treatment.”What I am writing now is obviously related to the movie ‘The Matrix’ but also with the fervent need of people to break the code of the matrix that we live in and to find an escape

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Ascension Earth 2012 Updated at : 8:31 AM
Friday, November 8, 2013

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