Neo-British Empire of the Crown -- 500 Year Chronology
By James Daugherty
VIII. Mysticism and the Occult.
Mysticism and the occult play a surprisingly pervasive role in the Crown's secret societies and within the "Crown" itself. We postulate several reasons for this, all of which complement each other. Oligarchic fascination with the occult built on existing traditions within Judaism and Islam with which the Crown allied itself: Cabalism and Sufism. Cabalism and Sufism may contain esoteric psychological knowledge useful to power wielders in attaining self-mastery and learning propaganda (mass hypnotism) techniques. The occult provides an excellent "cover" for intelligence gathering and covert activities in Secret Societies such as the Masons and Illuminati. Also, "secret" or esoteric Bible interpretations, known as Cabala to the Jews, have been a propaganda technique since Queen Elizabeth I's astrologer, John Dee, invented the "British Israel/Identity" doctrine that has done so much to rationalize British world rule. Cabala is a pre-mass media propaganda technique that still has important uses on the fringes of society. NBE strategy, particularly in the Middle East. is designed to appear to fulfill Bible Prophesy, giving British strategy a "magical", inevitable quality to Bible Prophesy fans.
Both occultism and esoteric Bible interpretations fly directly in the face of the authority of the Vatican, covertly uniting the Vatican's Protestant and Jewish enemies for the "Crown".
Lastly, a proliferation of cults, spiritual seekers, New Age Movements, etc. are postulated by the "Crown" to be a safety valve designed to harmlessly release the desire for freedom among increasingly oppressed and regulated individuals in increasingly Malthusian, no-growth societies. The "Crown" believes that the Vatican's dogmatic attempts to produce spiritual conformity will always backfire to the advantage of the more liberal and tolerant "Crown". This was explicitly stated by the "Crown's" top theorist Arnold Toynbee and is in line with Britain's historically winning strategy of appearing to side with "liberalism" against "authoritarianism".
Comment by Geopolitical Analysis and Monitoring: Masons in Britain are very influential. Scotland Yard for example is infiltrated by Masons. In order to reach a key position within Scotland Yard one has to belong to a Mason loge. The same applies for the Royal Military Police and the SIB (Special Investigation Branch). In order to climb the career ladder in these organizations one has to join a Mason loge. Most senior non- commissioned officers within the Royal Military Police SIB are Masons and once they reach the rank of Warrant Officer 1 they usually obtain the commission and thus are promoted to Captain which enables them to stay in the services till the age of 55 after which they obtain a comfortable pension. The same applies for Scotland Yard.
IX. Primacy of Geopolitics.
Contrary to conspiracy researchers who postulate mystical, "Satanic" adepts of Illuminism, Cabalism, or Sufism as the ultimate conspirators, we postulate worldly Super-Dynasties practicing "geopolitics". Secret Societies and subversion are seen as the "underbelly" or "covert adjunct" of geopolitical manipulation. Thus. "Perfidious Albion" ruthlessly shifted its alliances as the balance of power shifted, remained fundamentally opposed to the Vatican, its primary competition for world domination, and finally achieved a stable 3-Bloc world geopolitical system.
Tentative Chronology
The Primacy of Geopolitics is best illustrated by reviewing the following tentative chronology:
Seizing Power in INSULAR ALBION - 1485 to 1694
King Henry VII (1485-1509), a Tudor, stabilized England after the bitter "Wars of the Roses" between claimants for the British Throne. Promoted commercial alliance with the Netherlands and backed John Cabot's exploration of North America in competition with the claims of Spain and Portugal which were sanctioned by the Pope.
1492 Jews expelled by Inquisition from Spain. Moors defeated by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella.
1505 Conquered Moors expelled from Spain. Jews with Moorish (Islamic/Sufic/Cabalistic) scientific/mystical!intellectual influence flee to trading centers of Netherlands and Venice.
King Henry VIII (1509-1547), a Tudor, attempts and "Renaissance" Reign on a grand scale. Great naval, military and commercial expansion. Seeks divorce and remarriage because of dynastic need for an heir.
1529 Henry's secret agent, Richard Croke, travels to Venice to consult with Jewish Rabbis and "Christian Cabalist" theologian Georgi in an attempt to Biblically justify divorce and remarriage to the Pope. This was the tip of a growing iceberg of a commercial/intellectual alliance between England s Crown" and the Jews fleeing the Vatican's Inquisition.
Henry spurns the Vatican, turning to Jewish inspired Bible interpretation.
1535 Act of Supremacy. Henry declared Supreme Head of the Church of England. Church Lands seized. Break with Rome complete.
1542 Still Catholic, Scotland in alliance with Catholic France,attempts invasion of England. Defeated at great cost. Agreed that Henry's son will wed Mary Queen of Scots, but never occurs.
King Edward VI (1547-1553), a Tudor, proceeds with Protestant Reformation and institutionalizes the Church of England. Catholic Mass forbidden. English liturgy ordered. First Prayer Book introduced.
Queen Mary (1553-1558), elder daughter of Henry VIII, a Tudor, attempts to restore Catholicism and submission to Rome. Protestants burned at the stake.
Elizabeth I (1558-1603), daughter of Henry VIII, a Tudor, reverses Mary's Catholicism and enacts the second Act of Supremacy. Demands conformity to the Church of England.
1561 Mary, Queen of Scots, a Stuart, plots with Catholic Church to seize English Throne.
1585 Elizabeth helps Netherlands Protestants and Jews against Spain.
Elizabeth's favorite, Drake, plunders Spanish Galleons of their treasure.
1587 Numerous Catholic/Scottish plots end in the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots.
1558 to 1583 John Dee, Elizabeth I's famous scientist, magician, astrologer. and intelligence agent publically introduces English to Renaissance Christian" cabalism, magic and science with Jewish/Sufi roots in Venice. Dee invents "British Israel/Identity" doctrine as an explicit justification for the British Empire. First public hint of alliance with Jewish enemies of the Vatican "Anti-Christ." Dee, on an intelligence gathering trip under occult 'scrying' cover plants Rosicrucianism in Germany.
1558 Spanish Armada sent to Britain to crush British rebellion against Papal Authority. British victory marks the beginning of British naval superiority.
"Puritans" first come to the attention of the public, not for intolerance, but for "cabalistic" Bible interpretation in defiance of Rome and advocacy of pure, Biblical worship free from Rome's idolatry. Seek out Jews for correct interpretation of the Old Testament, accused of "Judaising".
l600 East India Company chartered as a Crown Company. Exploration and colonization proceeds with gusto.
Literary Note: Secret intellectual warfare between Catholic and Jewish-Cabalist influences surfaces. Marlowe writes "Faust"to defame John Dee as a Satanic Magician, "The Jew of Malta"to enrage public opinion against the growing commercial alliance with Jewish Merchants and "Tamburlaine" to discredit Elizabethan British Empire ideals. Spenser writes "Faire Queen" to eulogize Elizabeth I as the magical "virgin" Queen. Shakespeare writes the "Merchant of Venice" to humanize Jews and cautiously soften attitudes toward Jews who are still banned from England. Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night Dream" romanticizes the Elizabethan Age.
King James I (l603-l625), a Stuart, cautiously backs-off spirit Elizabethan cabalism. John Dee loses favor. "Witches" persecuted, James edges toward Rome.
Puritan influences grow in spite of James I. King James Bible issued, providing basis for anti-Catholic policy of individual Bible reading and interpretation.
Francis Bacon continues work in tradition of John Dee under the influence of Rosicrucianism. Down-plays magic to please Catholic-leaning King, emphasizing inductive science. Bacon's "New Atlantis" reveals Britain's alliance with Jews, proposes Royal Society and Masonry. "New Atlantis" published post-humously, Bacon purged from James' Court well before his death.
King Charles I (l625-l649), a Stuart allows increasing Puritan agitation to reform "Romish" practices in the Church of England to be frustrated which divides the country. Parliament, the "City", and the Navy line-up against the King. Revolution.
1646 Royal Society formed to support science. Rosicrucians infiltrate stone Masons, introducing mysticism and cabalism.
1649 Oliver Cromwell has Charles I executed.
Mannaseh Ben Israel, a Dutch cabalist Rabbi, petitions Cromwell for return of the Jews to England based on a cabalistic Bible interpretation that the millenium cannot come until the Jews have spread to every corner of the Earth. Cromwell's Puritan advisors believe Jews should be allowed into England confident they will convert to pure, Biblical Christianity.
Cromwell seeks help from Jewish Merchants in his war with Spain,the incarnation of the Papal anti-Christ.
Jews unofficially allowed to settle in England.
1660 Charles II (1660-1685), a Stuart, is restored to the Throne of Englandby country exhausted by revolution and warfare.
1670 Charles II conspires with French Catholics in Secret Treatyof and by a country exhausted by revolution.
1672 Charles attempts to ease restrictions on Catholics. Defeated by Parliament.
1673 Test Act excludes Roman Catholics from office.
1678 Popish Plot scare. Titus Oakes discloses Jesuit/Papist plot to restore Catholicism. Anti-Catholic frenzy.
1679 Parliament attempts to exclude Catholic James of York from the Throne....Fails.
1681 Charles II dissolves Parliament and rules absolutely to prevent exclusion of brother James from the Throne.
King James II (1685-1689), a Catholic Stuart, repeals Habeus Corpusand attempts to rule absolutely and restore the Catholic religion.
Suspends all laws against Catholicism and non-conformism.
1688 Seven leaders of the Whigs and Tories invite William of Orange to invade England from the Netherlands to restore "English Liberties."
William lands at Torbay with the largest force ever to invade England.James II's forces desert. James II flees to the protection of Louis XIV in France.
Paradoxically, the Pope, in a feud with Catholic Louis XIV, does not oppose "Orangeman" take-over of England. William's "Glorious Revolution" takes England out of the Catholic orbit permanently. British/Dutch/Jewish Alliance firmly established.
1692 England, Holland, and Austria war with France, limiting expansion under Louis XIV.
Pope foolishly or treasonously amenable to Grand Alliance to subdue Louis XIV. Vatican never recovers.
To be continued
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