In today's online issue the EUOBSERVER confirmed what has been stated in this blog on Friday, 24 June 2011 that NATO will not intervene in the SYRIAN upraise.See article link: http://euobserver.com/9/32575…
In today's online issue the EUOBSERVER confirmed what has been stated in this blog on Friday, 24 June 2011 that NATO will not intervene in the SYRIAN upraise.See article link: http://euobserver.com/9/32575…
Global Society GamblersRATING AGENCIESRATING AGENCIES, THE FEDERAL RESERVE, THE PARIS CLUB, THE IMF, brokers and speculator, all are part of the “CASINO FINANCE” the world is currently suffering from. RATING AGENCIES are private enterprises whi…
Monday June 20th I had a scheduled induction for 7:30am. My doctor thought my baby was at least 9 lbs and thought it was necessary since I was already over-due. We woke up bright & early on Monday and headed to hospital with such anticipation! It wa…
I’m curious – if you follow the Weight Watchers Points+ Plan, I would like some feedback on how you divvy up your Points+ balance everyday. Do you simply eat willy-nilly – just picking up and eating whatever floats your boat, regardless of the Points…
Dinner for Monday night was this DELICIOUS take on a traditional St Patty's Day favorite - basically meat/cabbage/potatoes. The meal came from my Eat What You Love cookbook by Marlene Koch. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is "delicious/I would totally …
Could it be that GREECE is just the scapegoat for the entire political mismanagement of the EUROPEAN UNION? Food for Thought Views and opinion voiced by common people of different educational backgrounds and social levels. Theoretically speaking a co…
I haven't blogged for so long that when I went to sign in this morning I hesitated for a moment because I couldn't remember my password. I've thought about blogging, but when things aren't going well, I don't like to blog about it.I had been blogging…
After a week of not weighing in, I finally bit the bullet and hopped on the scale on Friday to find a gain of only a pound. I'll take this gain of only a pound after allllll the eating out I've done and the lack of gym attendance as well.Joel and I …
Adelyn Marie Arrived 6.21.2011 at 4:34 am 10lbs 2 3/4oz * 22in long More to come soon!!…
Submitted by Deb AveryIn this first blog post, let's look at how being a Premium Member can benefit you. Look at the BENEFITS tab to see what you will gain by being a Premium Member. You'll see that Schoolnet SA makes a commitment to you"As a pre…
I'm baaaccccckkkkk! (Warning: this is a long one - I didn't intend for this to go on and on but alas, that's what happened... read on if you wish :) )Hello friends! I hope you don't think I fell off the wagon, because I didn't! Here's a little catc…
Allan 'Whitey' Snyder and Marilyn Monroe on The Seven Year ItchI routinely scour the Internet for pictures to go along with my my blog posts here and, in the process, I've come upon many interesting photos that I haven't used. I thought it might be f…
I'm starting to get over the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I know I'll get through this thing at work. At least I have some time to figure it out. It's not like I'm suddenly out of work. I really do love the company I work for and the though…
This continues to be my theme for the last several months. Today is no different.Yesterday something really awful happened at work. It has to do with me and my future with my company. I'm not fired or anything like that, but my current position will …
Let's face it: Staying positive isn't always easy. From job seekers frustrated by rejections to workers dealing with everything from long hours to crabby co-workers, many people are finding it hard to put on a happy face.Yet the ability to see the go…
Why a blue Monday you ask? Well...1. My eating was a off this weekend. I felt like I was starving all weekend and overindulged in healthy foods. I gained almost two pounds. 189.2 this morning. Ugh!2. After an awesome workout Saturday and a lazy day …
Good Monday Morning Friends!Today is Friend Making Monday sponsored by Kenlie at All the Weigh.The question, as you may have already guessed, is which movie would you be if you lived in a movie? And what character?I would be Kathleen Kelly in You've…
Saturday! It's Saturday! I love Saturday. It's my favorite day of the week. It's the first day of the weekend, with thoughts of relaxation and doing what I want, when I want to do it. Well, sort of. It often turns into housework, laundry, shopping fo…