Cheeeeeeeeeers and a Happy Post-Super Bowl Monday to you all!!
I bet many of you who are reading this, have a hangover, which is good, because this post only gets worse from here, and so will your hangover!!
And you know what? I find that fucking funny.

Of late, the Monday IWS Radio website post has revolved around a recap of the Sunday IWS radio show broadcast, which of course, we didn't do yesterday because most Americans were watching the Super Bowl.
I have to think of something else to write about. Which of course, isn't fair, hmmmmmmm?
I should still be allowed to write about last night’s IWS Radio show…even though we didn't have one, because…
I bet if we had broadcast a show last night, it would have been awesome!!
Jay would have opined; I would have pontificated, and the audience would have laugh until they stopped.
But alas…
We didn't do a show on which to report, so instead…
I am left here to type in a manner that merely gets the word count of this essay up to a level which makes it appear as though I put some real thought and effort into this post.
And in fact, not including the sentence that you are currently reading, I am up to 203 words, which proves something that I have known all along…
I can say nothing as well as anyone…or is it anybody? Those two words have always confused me. Anyhoo…
Jayman and I will be doing a show this coming Sunday, February 9th as we celebrate Valentine’s Day, and how it’s a fucking bullshit holiday that revolves around women demanding a price tag on their love, and if it is not met?
Their significant other is a dead man.

Yeah…Valentine’s Day is full of love. Full of men getting kicked in the emotional junk and left needing a Viagra just in order to get it up enough to not pee all over their own feet.
I remember buying flowers for my wife one Valentine’s Day…They were elegant, well crafted, and the most beautiful shade of red I had ever seen.
I found out post roso facto, that that year she was in to yellow roses, and evidently my red roses were a big “fuck you” to her yellow rose fascination, of which, I knew nothing about.
That was years ago, but yeah, you guessed it…she’s still a cunt.
Anyway, as I really have nothing to say tonight, I’ll just end it here, and invite you all to listen to Jayman and I next Sunday from 8-10 PM ET…
We will have a hilarious, heart-felt Valentine’s Day themed show, which may or may not include midgets with big hearts, along with huge assed wives who have no souls.
Until then…
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