Young and Educated in Europe, but Desperate for Jobs New York Times ...Five years after the economic crisis struck the Continent, youth unemployment has climbed to staggering levels in many countries: in September, 56 percent in Spain for those 24…
Young and Educated in Europe, but Desperate for Jobs New York Times ...Five years after the economic crisis struck the Continent, youth unemployment has climbed to staggering levels in many countries: in September, 56 percent in Spain for those 24…
Wisconsin job-killer Gov. Scott Walker doesn't like to be called a job-killer, so he invents new businesses out of whole cloth -- Little League and Girl Scout uniforms.Walker had to acknowledge he won't come close to fulfilling his campaign promise t…
A national network of stink think tanks is quietly pushing the agenda of anti-worker groups with funding from Koch brothers-affiliated organizations, according to a report released today.Today our friends at the Center for Media and Democracy exposed…
U.S. Economy Expanded At Surprising Rate Ahead Of The Government Shutdown Associated Press ...The U.S. economy expanded at a 2.8 percent annual rate from July through September, a surprising sign of strength ahead of the 16-day partial government …
America’s Wealthy Are Even Wealthier And Have A New Name: Point-Seveners Alternet ...America has 45,000 citizens worth more than $50 million...Dark money groups linked to Koch brothers pay $1 million in fines Salon ...They allegedly spent a com…
Wisconsin police just arrested 22 people today for singing "Solidarity Forever" in the Statehouse. The singers have been musically protesting Job-killer Gov. Scott Walker every weekday since March 11, 2011 -- ever since he rammed an ALEC bill through…