PLAGUES & PESTILENCES: Mysterious Disease - Six Hammerhead Sharks Suddenly Die In Ocean Park, Hong Kong, China?!PLAGUES & PESTILENCES: Mysterious Disease - Six Hammerhead Sharks Suddenly Die In Ocean Park, Hong Kong, China?!

November 05, 2013 - CHINA - Six hammerhead sharks at Ocean Park died one by one in just seven hours yesterday because of a disease the park has not identified.The hammerhead shark is classified as endangered by conservationists. Photo: SCMPThe rema…

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Bullied 12-year-old commits suicideBullied 12-year-old commits suicide

Most feel compassion toward their fellow man. And then there are the ones who bully and take full advantage of today's technology to advance that into cyberbullying.This is yet another case of a young person who was bullied to death. She was 12. Her …

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