Gold Star mom Debbie Lee remembers Navy son on the anniversary of his death in Iraq Gold Star mom Debbie Lee remembers Navy son on the anniversary of his death in Iraq

I had the privilege of meeting Debbie Lee a few years ago. She was personable, friendly, and outgoing. I met her, however, knowing the weigh...

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Update: 'Walking Off the War' ... AT Warrior Hike military vets to be at Devil's Backbone Brewery near Wintergreen on Sunday Update: 'Walking Off the War' ... AT Warrior Hike military vets to be at Devil's Backbone Brewery near Wintergreen on Sunday

Along the Appalachian Trail, there's a group of military veterans "walking off the war," battling the memories of time deploye...

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AT Warrior Hikers coming to Waynesboro Sunday AT Warrior Hikers coming to Waynesboro Sunday

This Sunday at 5:00 at the VFW Post 2424 in Waynesboro, meet the Appalachian Trail Warrior Hikers as they make their way north on their thru...

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