TERMINATOR NOW: The Rise Of The Machines - The U.S. Military Is Building An Iron Man Suit!TERMINATOR NOW: The Rise Of The Machines - The U.S. Military Is Building An Iron Man Suit!

November 06, 2013 - UNITED STATES - While some may view the Mark series of suits in the Iron Man comics and movies as science fiction, the Pentagon sees a real-world goal.Iron Man 3, Photograph by Walt Disney Pictures via Everett CollectionA program…

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Forbes, Wittman, Rigell: 'Sequester impact on military a disgrace'Forbes, Wittman, Rigell: 'Sequester impact on military a disgrace'

By Reps. Randy Forbes, Rob Wittman, and Scott RigellThe Daily PressIf you were told that your son or daughter was going to fly on an airplane that had only 70 percent of its required maintenance, or whose pilot had trained for less hours than optimal…

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