62 Ideas, Lessons and Humor for English Teachers #engchat62 Ideas, Lessons and Humor for English Teachers #engchat

Mrs. Caldwell won another STAR award in 2012.I start back to school today for my eleventh year of teaching next door to my own high school English teacher. Mrs. Caldwell taught me to write and love literature.She's a fantastic teacher who is always i…

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10 places to find reading and writing resources for primary school learners – part 110 places to find reading and writing resources for primary school learners – part 1

Submitted by Fiona BealOne of my passions is developing reading and writing in kids. Nowadays the web is full of the most amazing sites – is it any wonder that some of us feel that free internet should be a basic human right!  Today I came across som…

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Schoolnet completes a study on the use of Xbox Kinect to improve literacy scores – interesting findings…Schoolnet completes a study on the use of Xbox Kinect to improve literacy scores – interesting findings…

This report is given by Janet Thomson the Executive Director of SchoolNetSA in South Africa. The study used Microsoft Xbox Kinect gaming in a primary school in deep rural KwaZulu-Natal to investigate its effect on second language English Literacy. Th…

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