Lord of the Rings Online: or GRRR againLord of the Rings Online: or GRRR again

The more things change, the more they stay the same … this old axiom is very true for Lord of the Rings Online.  There are parts I truly love about the game, it’s intense focus on lore and bringing the books to life for example.  But after taking a…

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Lord of the Rings Online: Helm’s Deep Expansion Class GuidesLord of the Rings Online: Helm’s Deep Expansion Class Guides

Lord of the Ring’s Online latest expansion drops in two weeks, Helm’s Deep.  The NDA on the beta testers was lifted on Monday and class guides have been posted for upcoming changes for all classes.  Every class is seeing major changes this expansio…

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What keeps me long term interested in playing & coming back to ANY game?What keeps me long term interested in playing & coming back to ANY game?

I’ve thought about this a lot recently and we will completely discount story for this posting because if any game doesn’t have a great story then there is no chance of keeping me interested for any length of time. Games must have housing and wardro…

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