The creators of the film "The Other Woman" posted a net trailer. The tape itself with Cameron Diaz, Kate Upton, Nicki Minaj and others will be released in April 2014, according to blogger DobrayaGrust27. In the story, the heroine Diaz met with the …
The creators of the film "The Other Woman" posted a net trailer. The tape itself with Cameron Diaz, Kate Upton, Nicki Minaj and others will be released in April 2014, according to blogger DobrayaGrust27. In the story, the heroine Diaz met with the …
From: http://www.latimes.com By Nardine SaadSeptember 3, 2013, 2:09 p.m.Kate Upton has been named model of the year and will pick up her pretty prize Wednesday at the 10th annual Style Awards that kick off New York's Mercedes-Benz Fashion week.Realit…
By Chuck Schilken, From: http://www.latimes.comFebruary 10, 2013, 4:00 a.m.Kate Upton graces the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue for the second consecutive year.(Derek Kettela / Sports Illustrated / Associated Press/ February 8, 2013)K…
By Christie D'Zurilla From: http://www.latimes.comJanuary 23, 2013, 3:13 p.m.It's been a while since we had any clearly gratuitous beefcake or cheesecake here at the Ministry of Gossip, but thanks to Kate Upton and Mercedes-Benz, it's time for a litt…