A look at the tweets, users, and revenue behind the global information network. Twitter announced on Thursday that it filed for an initial public offering.Source: TheNewYorkTimes…
A look at the tweets, users, and revenue behind the global information network. Twitter announced on Thursday that it filed for an initial public offering.Source: TheNewYorkTimes…
Bloomberg's Erik Schatzker reports on Twitter's opening trade as the company comes to market on the NYSE. He speaks on Bloomberg Television's "Market Makers."Source: Bloomberg…
Blockbuster Video announced it would be closing all of its remaining stores.Source: CNN…
CNN founder Ted Turner talks to Fortune's Pattie Sellers about his regrets from how the AOL Time Warner merger occurred. Watch for the full interview on Fortune.com on 11/19.Source: CNNMoney…
Europol Director: "This is no longer about a Gucci handbag." He tells CNN that your safety is at risk.Source: CNN…