Why billionaires want to hide their campaign contributionsWhy billionaires want to hide their campaign contributions

The influence of billionaire dark money groups has dramatically expanded to every level of government ever since the Supreme Court ruling on Citizens United. The high court decision allowed outside organizations like corporations and trade associatio…

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Shareholders to SEC: Expose corporate Shareholders to SEC: Expose corporate "dark money" in politics

Wouldn't it be nice to know how much of your money is being spent to elect anti-worker politicians to office?If you have any retirement savings, you probably own stock in a public corporation. And the CEOs of those corporations can spend your money h…

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Corporate America wants even more freedom to buy electionsCorporate America wants even more freedom to buy elections

An upcoming Supreme Court case could make it a lot easier for anti-worker billionaires to buy elections -- not that it's exactly difficult for them to do so already.It seems the 2010 Citizens United decision declaring money is speech and flooding our…

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