And then there were 5: News-Virginian endorses no one for governorAnd then there were 5: News-Virginian endorses no one for governor

Conservative Shenandoah Valley newspaper The News-Virginian has declined to endorse any of the three candidates for governor in the 2013 Virginia campaign.That now makes five newspapers who have passed on this endorsement: Richmond Times-Dispatch, Ro…

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Former president swings through HarrisonburgFormer president swings through Harrisonburg

It's not every day a former president of the United States drops by the Shenandoah Valley so Bill Clinton's appearance in Harrisonburg Tuesday for a campaign rally caused a stir. Political reporter Bob Stuart covered the event at James Madison Univer…

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Observations at the Homestead gubernatorial debateObservations at the Homestead gubernatorial debate

The Homestead early Saturday morning.We arrived early at the Homestead Resort in Hot Springs for the Virginia Bar Association (VBA) gubernatorial debate between Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Ken Cuccinelli after leaving home at 8:00 Saturd…

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U.S. Justice Department drops by to investigate Augusta CountyU.S. Justice Department drops by to investigate Augusta County

Just in time for Independence Day, Uncle Sam is taking a stroll around Augusta County's 26 voting precincts today and tomorrow with the three members of the local electoral board. Actually, he's sending one of his lawyers and an architect from the ci…

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Bob Stuart: 'Vets hike trail to heal and help others'Bob Stuart: 'Vets hike trail to heal and help others'

The Warrior Hikers were in the area Sunday, and News-Virginian reporter Bob Stuart was there to talk with these military vets -- American heroes -- on their thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail.Read about the Warrior Hikers at Virginia Politics On Dema…

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