There are many "experts", practitioners and businesses prescribing hCG for Dr. Simeons' protocol. But how many of them actually understand why it works and how hCG could prevent starvation? Most have no clue. They know it works, but they don't unders…
who doesn't want to wear the ribbon?
I'm a fan of ribbon. I admire it in stores and dream about taking my ribbon over to Martha's house where we would drink hot chocolate, giggle and make crafty things. That dream is enough to get me to buy the ribbon but Martha has yet to invite me ove…
A Great Product Find: OXO Food Scale + Separate Giveaway Alert
Ok - back to our regularly scheduled program :).I want to share one of my favorite kitchen tools with you: the food scale!My food scale has been absolutely ESSENTIAL to my weight loss journey. I use it every single day. As much as I love my measuri…
INTERESTING GEO – STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT In recent past TURKEY has permitted NATO to erect missile defense radar that will detect Iranian Missile launches and thus indirectly supports ISRAEL with whom in recent past, diplomatic ties have somewhat suf…
How to add a YouTube video to your blog
I was very pleased to find out today, through one of my social networking links, that Blogger has its own YouTube Help Channel. It's called BloggerHelp and you can find it here. When I took a look I saw they had one on one of this week's topics - How…
Report back on the Elkanah House TeachMeet and IpadMeet
Submitted by Fiona BealSaturday 26 November 2011This morning I woke up feeling excited. It was TeachMeet day at Elkanah house! Two 'meets' to look forward to at the same venue - one to do with general technology (TeachMeet) and one to do with using I…
The elements of résumé style
Writing wisdom from Strunk and WhiteBeth Braccio Hering, Special to CareerBuilderThe The classic "The Elements of Style" by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White is not just for term papers. If your copy has been buried in a box since graduation, dust it…
The Ring
THESE AMAZING SHADOWS: The Film Preservation Act and the National Film Registry
Independent Lens, the Emmy-winning PBS series, airs Paul Mariano and Kurt Norton’s These Amazing Shadows, a one-hour documentary, on Thursday, December 29, at 10:00pm (check local listings).These Amazing Shadows is an often kaleidoscopic swirl of fil…
Middle East
The Arab Spring Revisited Article by Mark Silverberg With all the talk of revolutions, the Middle East continues to slip backwards. We see mobs burning buildings, and President Obama quoting Martin Luther King - “There is something in the soul that …
GOLDMAN SACHS, JPMORGAN CHASE, ETC. CONTROL EUROPE'S POLITICAL LANDSCAPEby Bob ChapmanIn Europe each time a new player is presented we find he is a Goldman Sachs’ alumnus. Recent entries are Mario Monti “appointed” PM of Italy, Lucas Papademas “appo…