The man of God from Texas:  Rudy Davis The man of God from Texas: Rudy Davis

Rudy Davis:  The man of God... All these guys are related in their deception: Rudy Davis (a.k.a. badfinger) G4T (and his many aliases) Pasto...

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FUKUSHIMA FALLOUT in California is not true FUKUSHIMA FALLOUT in California is not true

George4truth reports the truth Formerly G4T but now a real truther George Hemminger reports on what is really going on in California.  He us...

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Mental Health to Combine with Law Enforcement Mental Health to Combine with Law Enforcement

Mental Health and Law Enforcement The Ultimate POLICE STATE Manufactured MENTAL DISORDERS This is true about psychiatry and psychology.  Psy...

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Examining Lindsey Williams and who he really is Examining Lindsey Williams and who he really is

Who is this Lindsey Williams? Who is SGTbull07? BrotherJohnF? Chris Duane?  The Truth Never Told?  The Sons of Liberty? Silver Bullet Silver...

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Don Harrold sells his SILVER FORECAST services Don Harrold sells his SILVER FORECAST services

The Day Trade Show Yea right This guy is someone I happened across after keeping track of the silver community propaganda over the last thre...

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