to verify or not? to verify or not?

It was interesting to hear what everyone does to maintain your brows !! I definitely miss waxing, but that is $12+ more in our budget each m...

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Wax or Tweeze? Wax or Tweeze?

Hope everyone had a happy “hump” day! Mine was pretty good! I decided to go for oatmeal this morning since it has been a while since I’ve ...

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Bad Zipper Bad Zipper

Thanks everyone for your kind words yesterday! I'm feeling much better today! You guys are the best!! :) After I posted last night som...

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The 'do' and the Ambien experience The 'do' and the Ambien experience

The 'do' I promise I'll post a picture of the new hair later. Although I'm not sure I like it. I have --- layers! I wondered...

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Hello my blog friends! I have kind of been on hiatus the past few days. I have just felt a little “off”. Please don’t abandon me! Here are...

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7 Ways to Improve Your Cover Letter ... and Get Your Application Noticed 7 Ways to Improve Your Cover Letter ... and Get Your Application Noticed

Don't underestimate the power of a cover letter. When well written, attractively designed and customized for the recipient, a cover lett...

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Target Your Résumé to Prospective Employers' Needs Target Your Résumé to Prospective Employers' Needs

Your résumé isn't about you, it's about them. That is the first guiding rule you should remember as you craft your employment histor...

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5 Ways You Could Be Ruining Your Résumé Without Realizing It 5 Ways You Could Be Ruining Your Résumé Without Realizing It

Signs are emerging that the job market is picking up, but landing a new position can still be a challenge. The last thing you want to do is ...

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Weekend update Weekend update

Just a quick post before I head out to the gym. First...hair cut! Yeah! Two inches off and very blond. I have a new stylist and colorist aft...

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Planning de la semaine du 12 au 16 avril 2010 Planning de la semaine du 12 au 16 avril 2010

Permanences Le Conseil Général du Loiret sera présent dans les locaux de la Maison de l'Emploi du bassin d'Orléans - le lundi 12 av...

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Too many words tonight Too many words tonight

Each time I go a few days without posting, my mind starts to overflow with topics I want to write about. The more days that pass, the more c...

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Un site sur la filière horticole Un site sur la filière horticole

L’organisation interprofessionnelle pour la valorisation des produits et des métiers de l’horticulture, de la fleuristerie et du paysage - V...

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A Determined Darci! A Determined Darci!

I woke up determined today! Determined to not snack on everything in sight and determined to have a SUPER productive day so I could enjoy...

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Living SF Living SF

Yesterday MizFit left me a comment that she couldn't say much about bread because she was GF. I was puzzled. What did GF mean? GirlFrie...

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Snack Attack Snack Attack

Tuesday in Iowa = Thunderstorm Day...It's been raining off and on all day! I do recall getting woke up a few times last night to thunder...

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A Tardy Monday Post A Tardy Monday Post

Hey Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter! I sure did. I didn't get hardly any pictures of our day on Sunday, but Kyle reminde...

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Getting control Getting control

It's been eight days since I've posted anything. I don't have an explanation as to why I've been so silent. I didn't fal...

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Why Do They Ask That in an Interview? - Understanding the meaning behind interview questions Why Do They Ask That in an Interview? - Understanding the meaning behind interview questions

Going into a job interview is difficult enough, but trying to figure out the meaning behind some questions just adds to the anxiety of job-h...

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