The online Global Education forum has started! (14th – 18th November). For more details about this event go to: SA is involved in iEARN’s Adobe Youth Voices Media-Making Programs and our SchoolNet Programs Manager, Omashani Naidoo, will be participating in their presentation this afternoon. It would be great if you could tune in! Here are the details
SESSION:iEARN Adobe Youth Voices Youth Media-Making Programs from across the Globe - Almerinda Garibaldi (Brazil), Cornelia Platon (Romania), Omashani Naidoo (South Africa), Allan Kakinda (Uganda), and Lisa Jobson (USA), Program Managers for Adobe Youth Voice
TIME: Wed, 16 November, 16:00 – 17:00
DESCRIPTION:Almerinda Garibaldi (Brazil), Cornelia Platon (Romania), Omashani Naidoo (South Africa), Allan Kakinda (Uganda), and Lisa Jobson (USA), Program Managers for Adobe Youth Voices in iEARN.
SESSION TITLE: iEARN Adobe Youth Voices Youth Media-Making Programs from across the Globe
CO-PRESENTERS: Almerinda Garibaldi (Brazil), Cornelia Platon (Romania), Omashani Naidoo(South Africa), Allan Kakinda (Uganda), and Lisa Jobson (USA), Program Managers for Adobe Youth Voices in iEARN
STRAND: 2011 Teachers
TARGET AUDIENCE:Teachers, Students, NGOs, anyone interested in starting or supporting a youth-media program
PRESENTING FROM: Brazil, Romania, South Africa, Uganda, and USA
GEC11Part263 SESSION DESCRIPTION: This interactive session will showcase youth media-making projects from across the globe that were created as part of iEARN's partnership in the Adobe Youth Voices program, and will include tips and strategies on how to start and manage your own youth media program.
MORE INFORMATIONAdobe Youth Voices ( ) is Adobe's global philanthropic initiative that empowers youth worldwide to comment on their world using multimedia and digital tools to communicate and share their ideas, demonstrate their potential, and take action in their communities.
iEARN ( is one of five founding non-profit partners that helped to launch the Adobe Youth Voices program in 2006, and is currently administering Adobe Youth Voices programs in Argentina, Bahrain, Belarus, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, China, East Jerusalem, Egypt, Japan, Mexico, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, and the USA.
Check out a sample of the iEARN network's Adobe Youth Voices media projects on the iEARN Adobe Youth Voices YouTube Channel [ ] and join us in this session on how educators across diverse settings have integrated youth-produced media and media-making into their teaching practices.