Each time I go a few days without posting, my mind starts to overflow with topics I want to write about. The more days that pass, the more cluttered my mind. I start a debate with myself, what shall I write about?

1. Should I tell you about the miracle of living a sugar free diet? I know I've already talked about it, but it's so amazing I keep wanting to talk about it more. I feel like I've found the cure for my sickness

2. Or tell you how I went from hating exercise with a passion two years ago to loving it to the point where it's almost another obsession now?

3. Should I share the conversation I had with my husband this morning? The conversation where he basically said...no where he actually said I was selfish since I've lost weight. I don't pay any attention to him now. He said I focus on myself too much. It's a long story, and it was an unpleasant conversation. I'm still a little angry about it, but I'm trying to let it go.

4. My bike ride into a strong headwind this morning. An extremely difficult ride going east, but clear sailing coming back home riding west. Sort of like losing weight, sometimes easy, sometimes so hard I think I'm going to die.

5. My Ambien blackout I had last night where I ate 1/4 of a loaf of Dave's Killer bread but didn't remember a thing (about 500 calories). This morning I wanted to make breakfast and found the empty bread bag. I asked my husband if he ate bread in the middle of the night and why couldn't he have left me just one slice. He said of course he didn't eat bread in the middle of the night (like I was insane). Plus there was a full glass of milk, untouched, on the counter next to the empty bread bag. I don't remember what happened. Scary!

6. My weigh in at Weight Watchers today where I lost 2.2 pounds, down to 168.8 (imagine if I hadn't eaten that bread last night!).

7. The guy at Weight Watchers that made goal today, after six freaking years. He was funny, said remember the Tommy Turtle and Brer Rabbit. Well, he was Tommy Turtle. Plus after investing $2200 in Weight Watchers he decided it was time to get to goal. Cracked me up!

8. The fact that I've only lost 11.6 pounds since January 9, 2010 (after a re-gain of 25 pounds last fall).

9. The weird fact that I'm hooked on that Parenthood show. I'm not a parent. The show comes on too late for me so I watch it on On Demand. So strange that I love this show. Go figure.

10. The miracle of sleep, right up there with a sugar-free diet.

11. I haven't been counting Points. Just eating super healthy, smaller meals, more often. I'm not hungry, no cravings (except I guess I had a bread craving while under the influence of Ambien last night).

It's freaking me out just a little that I don't dream or think about food every waking moment. This is a new experience for me. This week it's back to tracking every single Point, just because that's what I'm suppose to do.

Those were a few of the things I wanted to write about today. There were more, but this post is already too long. Too many words. Time for me to shut up. :)
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Too many words tonight Updated at : 5:53 PM
Saturday, April 10, 2010

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