Hello my blog friends! I have kind of been on hiatus the past few days. I have just felt a little “off”. Please don’t abandon me!

Here are a few things I’ve been up to!

Thursday I worked till 5pm and then from 5:30-8pm I gave a test in my class. It was a long, draining day!

Friday was work like normal, but then we had a little fun! Kyle and I played with our 2 little neighbor boys…they loved zooming around on Kyle’s Craftsman seat! Friday night we watched UP! Cute movie!DSC06916DSC06913 

Saturday Kyle had to work and I continued organizing closets in my house. We all love before & after shots…so here are a few for your viewing pleasure!



A close up…can you tell I LOVE organizing! DSC06936

Sunday was church and dinner with family. I napped in the afternoon and then we got one of the Pizza Hut $10 pizzas. I was just feeling “off” all day and did NOT sleep well at all Sunday night. I went to the doctor Monday morning and had 102 temp and an infection. :( But I got an anti-biotic so hopefully I’m gonna kick it’s butt! 

I know none of this really isn’t food or fitness related, but just wanted to let you guys know I’m still alive and kicking!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo MIA Updated at : 5:37 PM
Monday, April 12, 2010

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