Day 120 (Tuesday 3/3) Day 120 (Tuesday 3/3)

I woke up in a panic this morning. I couldn't remember what time my dentist appointment was. Was it 7:30....8:00.....8:30....for the lif...

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Day 119 (Monday 3/2) Day 119 (Monday 3/2)

Hope everyone had a great Monday!! Today started out quite slow. Once again I battled with myself to get outta bad and the bed won. So no m...

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Day  118( Sunday 3/1) Day 118( Sunday 3/1)

It's March!!! Wow does time fly!! :) Well I don't have a whole lot of good news to report to you about my Sunday eats. I took ZERO p...

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Day 117 (Saturday 2/28) Day 117 (Saturday 2/28)

Happy weekend to everyone!! I started out my morning today at 4:15am!!! Not on purpose though. For some reason I couldn't go back to sl...

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Day 116 ( Friday 2/27) Day 116 ( Friday 2/27)

Well like I said in my last post, I'm feeling much better! I'm so glad whatever that nasty bug was, it was short-lived! Thanks for y...

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Day 115 (Thursday 2/26) Day 115 (Thursday 2/26)

I want to start out by saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! She is down in sunny, warm South Padre Island so we can't celebrate together, but I ...

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Day 114 (Wednesday 2/25) Day 114 (Wednesday 2/25)

I am having such a battle with myself in the mornings about getting out of bed and working out. DH had to work late late night so I didn'...

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Day 113 (Tuesday 2/24) Day 113 (Tuesday 2/24)

I got up early this morning and had great intentions of hitting the gym for a good, long workout. Well the zit on my face had other plans.....

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Day 112 (Monday 2/23) Day 112 (Monday 2/23)

So as you read in an earlier post (I hope anyway!) DH drug my rear end outta bed and got me to the gym! It was hard and like I said in my Su...

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Day 111 (Sunday 2/23) Day 111 (Sunday 2/23)

Happy Monday morning bloggies! (even tho that really isn't how I am feeling right now!) DH & I had a really great Sunday. Not an OP ...

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Day 110 (Saturday 2/21) Day 110 (Saturday 2/21)

Weekend, glorious weekend...you're finally here! DH didn't have to go to work at his usual 6am time, so it was nice to wake up after...

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Day 109 (Friday 2/20) Day 109 (Friday 2/20)

I finally did it!!!! I got my lead butt outta bed at 5:45 and made it to the gym Friday morning before work! I think I agree with prettyface...

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Day 108 (Thursday 2/19) Day 108 (Thursday 2/19)

Ok bloggies, you guys need to give me a swift kick in the a$$!! Set the alarm to get up this morning to hit the gym for the first time this ...

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Day 106 & 107 (Tuesday 2/17 & Wednesday 2/18) Day 106 & 107 (Tuesday 2/17 & Wednesday 2/18)

Hello everyone! I am sorry that I've been MIA the past few days. DH left on Tuesday for a work trip and I feel like since he left I'...

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