I woke up in a panic this morning. I couldn't remember what time my dentist appointment was. Was it 7:30....8:00.....8:30....for the life of me I couldn't remember and didn't want to get there too early and then have to sit and wait (dentist is 25 minutes away). With a wet head at 7am I called and they said I was at 8am. Relief! Didn't have to go with a wet head!!

I got to eat breakfast with DH this morning. It was so nice!!! I had oatmeal and an english muffin w/cream cheese for 4 points. And had to jet off to the dentist.
But man, the dentist is no fun! I had two fillings. Ouch! Better to get them taken care of though I guess. I have to go back a few more times for more fillings. I didn't have ANY cavities until I was 19 and now I'm getting TONS. No fair!

I didn't get to work till about 10am and just felt really sluggish. It almost felt like the whole left side of my face was numb...like I had a droopey eye. And then the numbness started to ware off and boy is that side of my mouth SORE!!

Around noon I decided to have my regular morning snack of a ww yogurt with 1/4c grape nuts for 2 points...but I let the grape nuts sit in the yogurt longer than normal so they could soft to not bother my teeth.
I always have a light lunch on Tuesdays since I weigh in at 5pm. I had a sliced cucumber with ff ranch, ham & turkey slices, and 1 slice of ff cheese for 3 points.

After I entered my lunch in my food diary spreadsheet I looked over my weight tracking spreadsheet and added up how much I lost each month, just 'cause I was curious:

November: -12.5 lbs
December: -11 lbs
January: -9.5 lbs
February: -5 lbs

What a dramatic change I had in February!! Now I know I can contribute that to not working out as much (ie sleeping in) and not eating on plan on a LOT of days in February. Makes me sad to see that measly little 5lbs!

But I've come to the conclusion I'm not going to let it get me down. I am going to push forward and try to have an AWESOME month of March!!

Speaking of March...here's a recap of February goals!

February Goals

1. Try 2 new WW friendly recipes - DONE!! I tried chicken teriyaki & sweet potato fries
2. Eat less in the evenings - I think this is going to be a constant goal for me...but I did ok in Feb.
3. Workout 6days/week - total I worked out 16/28 days in February - NEED to do better in March!
4. 161lbs by 2/28/09 - didn't hit this goal...missed by 3lbs.

And here are my March goals:

1. No Cool Whip for Lent
2. Eat smart/sensible while on vacation 3/18-3/25
3. Workout 6 days/week
4. 158 lbs by 3/31/09

WI tonight was pretty much expected....gain of .2 lbs. Not too bad though for all that salt I ate over the past two days!! The meeting was great though and got me totally pumped for the week. We even got a free sample of a mint cookie crisp mini bar for 1 point.

When I got home I heated up some leftover chili from Saturday along with a few saltine crackers for 9 points.

My sweet tooth got the best of me while watching the BL. So I had 100 cal pack of oreo snack cakes for 2 points. Speaking of BL I was pretty po'ed that it was to be continued. I hate that! But was happy to see a part 2 of "after the final rose" is on! :)

WATER = 130 oz
EXERCISE = 47 min cross ramp
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 120 (Tuesday 3/3) Updated at : 7:25 PM
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

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