Happy weekend to everyone!!

I started out my morning today at 4:15am!!! Not on purpose though. For some reason I couldn't go back to sleep so I got up, switched out some laundry, let Abby out to go potty, and went back to bed and THANKFULLY fell back asleep until DH got up at 6:30!

I did a little cleaning, put some laundry away, and then headed to Radiant Skin & Spa for my 170lb reward (late, I know!)....the first of 3 half hour massages! Now prior to today I was a "massage virgin"! And now I am asking myself why I waited so long...it was AMAZING!! And my massage therapist was GREAT! I am excited for my two more to come!

After my massage I headed over to Younkers(department store). It was community day and I had already purchased the coupon (cost $5 to get $10 off...and the $5 goes to charity). I needed to use my coupon since I bought it. But I only had "x" amount of dollars to spend each week on clothing (ie our budget...cash in my little "coupon separator"). It is so much harder to spend acutal cash than it is to just swipe that plastic! I ended up spending $10.62! I think that is a record for me! (I LOVE to shop!) I used my $10 off on a gift for a friend who recently had a baby for about $4 and got three pairs of socks for $6! Not to shabby! Sorry for that little detour...I just had to post that because there were a LOT of things that I wanted to buy but I didn't...ie new shoes for SIL's wedding this summer ($85), cute hat ($25), sunglasses ($37), spring jacket ($54), and the list goes on and on!! So really if you think about it I saved over $201!!! Ha ha! Oh yeah...and I ran into my G-ma there too! :)

After my frugal shopping I got a quick tan in and then I hit the gym for 20 minutes of arm weights and a 31 minute walk/run. I was SWEATING like crazy when I got done running. I think I am gaining more endurance...today I ran 23 minutes straight! I think that is the longest I've EVER ran without stopping in my WHOLE life!!

When I got home from the gym (around noon) I made a quick brunch: 2 oranges and an egg white (3) & cheese english muffin for 5 points.

I finished up with the laundry and got together the gift for my friend's baby and around 2:30pm I snacked on a ww strawberry yogurt mixed w/ 1/4 c grape nuts for 2 points.

I worked on a wedding invitation order for a while and started supper so it would be ready when DH got home around 5pm. We had chili tonight (8 points). It was quite cold today so it was the perfect meal to "warm" us up!

After supper DH & I hit the grocery store because our local store was having a big "ONE DAY SALE" and I think we actually got some great deals...like a big bag of potatoes for only $0.98! Also they had deli meat for $1.99/lb!! I haven't seen that in quite a few years! AND here is my favorite part....6 pack of diet sunkist cans were $0.99!!! Diet Sunkist is my FAV!!

Tonight I worked on hanging my Uppercase Living order that came in last week. And I pretty happy with the results. DH says I'm nuts and just too picky....but I'm pretty sure the bathroom one is a TAD off...but I guess I will just have to live with it! *sigh*

I put this one up in our living room in between two shelves that I just thought had too much blank space in between them. I have to say that I LOVE the result!

Full view.

This one I put up in our main bathroom, this wall had been blank all four years we've lived in our house so it was in desperate need of something! This is actually two separate ones. The "half moon" bathroom originally came with the saying "please wash your hands" underneath and I liked this saying better!

Full view.

I got this little "welcome" for free since I spent a certain amount of money. And I thought it went perfect above the doorway to our basement, which is right when you walk in our back door.

My evening snack was my newly discovered favorite....a chocolate pb2 & banana wrap for 4 points. MMMmmm!!!

WATER = 92 oz
EXERCISE = 25 min arm weights, 31 min run/walk

Well bloggies this is getting quite long!! I hope you aren't bored with my ramblings on the happenings in my day! (but let me know if you are!)

I'm off to bed...gotta get up for church tomorrow morning. Nite!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 117 (Saturday 2/28) Updated at : 3:38 PM
Saturday, February 28, 2009

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