Well like I said in my last post, I'm feeling much better! I'm so glad whatever that nasty bug was, it was short-lived! Thanks for your sweet comments everyone!!

I didn't set my alarm for the gym Friday morning because I wanted to get as much rest as possible! So I got up and had a nice morning at home (kinda nice to nut rush out the door 5 minutes after waking up!).
I had a a bowl of life cereal along with some skim milk for 5 points. I'm not usually a cold cereal person, but it sounded good this morning! Sorry didn't get a picutre!
Mid morning I think I was feeling the effects of not eating yesterday (I was sick...if you didn't already know!). So I had a peanut butter fiber one bar for 3 points. I hate that they are not 2 points like the other flavors. :(
Before lunch I mixed together a ww key lime pie yogurt with grape nuts for 2 points.
Lunch was leftovers. I am trying to be better to not let food go bad in the fridge. DH isn't much of a "leftover eater". So I made a couple tacos for 9 points.

Wow were those tacos filling! I didn't even need an afternoon snack. I nibbed on a slice of ff cheese for 1 point when I got home from work (mindless eating). And then DH & I worked on our finances for a bit...set some goals...and started a budget! I bought one of those coupon organziers and we are using that to put our cash in for the week in a few different categories, ie food, gas, groceries, etc. We'll see how it goes! My sister and her hubby have been doing it and inspired us to do it too! Thanks guys!

Supper was leftovers again. DH made pizza a night or two ago and we only had ff shredded cheese and he wasn't too much of a fan of how it melted so I decided I'd finish it off so it didn't go bad! :p I ended up having 2 slices for 10 points.

I did some more mindless eating later in the night...a piece of laffy taffy for 4 points. I don't know why I do that!



WATER = 82 oz


Make sure to check out Leah's giveaway over at "Simply Fabulous". It's your chance to try some Trek bars from the UK!! :)

And finally here are the much awaited pictures of my lil pup!!

I'd like to introduce our "baby" (we don't have kids...yet) to you...Abby! She is a mix between a pomerian and a poodle and will turn 2 in May. We got her on vacation in 2007 in Minnesota. I almost feel like we rescued her because the place we got her was...let's just say...not very cleanly! I had lots of hesitation getting her since we were 9 hours from home and had no guarantee that this lil pup was healthy. So we went to the vet the next day(while still in MN) and they said he was healthy! And I don't think DH & I (or any of our family & friends who love Abby!) would ever change the decision we made that year on vacation! We love this little girl very dearly!!

Here she is basking in the sun! She just got her hair cut so she is pretty short right now!

And here she is perched on her favorite chair looking out the window! Don't those sweet little eyes just melt your heart!?!?!? :)

You have just read the article News for today's that category by title Day 116 ( Friday 2/27). You can bookmark this page with a URL https://news-these-days.blogspot.com/2009/02/day-116-friday-227.html. Thank you!
Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 116 ( Friday 2/27) Updated at : 12:09 PM
Saturday, February 28, 2009

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