I finally did it!!!! I got my lead butt outta bed at 5:45 and made it to the gym Friday morning before work! I think I agree with prettyface it's so much easier to get to the gym Friday mornings...just 'cause I'm excited because it's Friday and all! I got in 35 minutes on the cross ramp. I would have probably gotten a few more minutes in, but DH called just as I was leaving the house and he left his cell phone at home so I had to drop that off to him on the way to the gym and of course I couldn't just drop it and leave...had to chat for a minute or two! :)

I had my "usual" breakfast of oatmeal and an apple for 3 points. I had a packet from quite a while ago that was the "weight control" kind and it seemed a lot more filling. I need to compare the NI to see what the difference is between that and the "lower sugar" one that I usually eat.
I think there were 4-5 people that either stopped by my office or im'd me to let me know there were donuts up front!! I was about to go nuts....my will power is only so strong and I didn't want to hear about those stinky donuts anymore! So instead around 11am I had my favorite combo of strawberries, ww vanilla yogurt, and grape nuts for a much healthier 3 point snack.
I had a bunch of things on my "to-do" list for my lunch break so I raced around town, dropped off my registration for an upcoming scrap booking weekend retreat with my sis, stopped home to let the pup out, made a quick lunch - ham, turkey, & cheese wrap and a sliced banana for 5 points - and then tanned quick. It's been free tanning all week so I wanted to take advantage of that! And with all that I still made it back to my office in less than an hour! (might have something to do with my "crazy driving"!!)
After work I met up with my sister to pick up my Uppercase Living order! I'm so excited, I hope DH will help me hand them this weekend! Then I stopped at Family Video to pick up a couple movies for "Friday Nite In"! I rented "Body of Lies" and "Max Payne"...movies that DH would definately approve of! And he was happy with my picks! We had tacos (made with ground turkey) for supper along with a side of sweet potato fries for a total of 11 points. Very filling!

We only got one movie in last night, Body of Lies...it was ok. Really made me think of things like that are going on right now with the war in the Middle East. I snacked on ff popcorn and had some Diet Sunkist (1 point) during the movie even though I wasn't hungry! DH was eating an ice cream sundae so of course I thought I needed to eat too.

WATER = 154 oz
EXERCISE = 35 min cross ramp

Ok so I think I've gotten more compliments this week than EVER, from co-workers, friends, & even one of my neighbors! And thanks to you all for your kind words too! It truly means a LOT!! Makes me want to keep working hard and get to my goal!

So I was talking to my co-worker/friend and she informed me that the peanut butter fiber one bars are 3 points! :( I was so sad to hear this news...but so glad she told me. Thanks Jenna! Now I know that is only 1 more point that the other flavors, but I usually like to "save" my points for other things during the day. 2 point snacks like bars are so much better than 3 point ones!

I hope everyone had a great Friday and is ready for the weekend! I know I sure am. I'm about 45 minutes away from my first massage!!

See you later tonight!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 109 (Friday 2/20) Updated at : 5:31 AM
Saturday, February 21, 2009

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