*****666 STOCK MARKET ALERT*****

TVIX closes at $6.66

What is the TVIX? 

 VelocityShares Daily 2X VIX Short Term ETN

Did George Soros buy the TVIX?

It is rather stunning that we hear George Soros is shorting the S&P500 and even more curious I noticed that one of the funds that trade at 2 times the rate of the VIX VOLATILITY INDEX closed the day at $6.66.  Is that a coincidence?  Or is that a sign of what's to come in the markets very soon?

Many investors are trusting the Federal Reserve to continue moving the market higher and reach the anniversary date of March 6, 2014 making this the second longest bull market for the last eight years.   However for some reason we have bankers committing suicide, missing, and dying and all manner of growing concerns of a global systemic crash.

Why is 666 to be noted? 

It is important to remember that the S&P500 fell to 666 on Mar 6, 2009.  It's also important to note that that anniversary date is approaching.  And I haven't heard any mention of this but some of us are not ignorant of Satan's devices.  Is this a coincidence?

All eyes on the TVIX at $6.66

The TVIX like the VXX, UVXY, and the raw VIX VOLATILITY INDEX is all being closely monitored by traders and perhaps even by the elite like George Soros who are certainly "in the know."  Do you think this might be the working of Satan?


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Posted by: Tukiyooo Wall Street Shows Curious 666 Sign of Occultic Numerology Updated at : 5:07 PM
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

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