The High Price Of Negotiating With Bad Guys -- Michael Rubin, Washington Post

It was during a 2007 Democratic primary debate that Sen. Barack Obama first declared “ridiculous” the idea that “not talking to countries is punishment to them.” Eighteen months later, with the world watching his historic inauguration, he reiterated his openness to dialogue with America’s enemies: “We will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.”

Since then, his administration has talked with North Korea and the Taliban, defied cynicism at home and abroad with efforts to jump-start ­Israeli-Palestinian talks , sought to bring Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood in from the cold, and, after 35 years, brought the United States and Iran to the verge of a nuclear deal. And retired American diplomats Thomas Pickering and Rob Malley — as well as Rachel Schneller, a State Department official who was on leave at the time — have met with Hamas, a terrorist group implicated in scores of bombings and suicide attacks in Israel.

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My Comment: I am skeptical that negotiating with an opponent who has not changed his fundamental beliefs and/or ideology would lead to a fruitful outcome. It is only when the other side has come to the realization that their goals can never be fulfilled and that a negotiated settlement will be in their interest is when progress is made .... and done usually very quickly. For this White House .... they are not focused on positioning the other side to realize that continuing a confrontation will result in their failure .... instead .... this White House is more focused on the process of bringing other parties to the table, and then hoping that their reasoning and persuasion will help change the other sides position.

So far .... this approach has been a failure. But instead of changing strategy .... the White House and Secretary of State John Kerry are now doubling down in their disputes with Iran, Syria, Russia, China, etc. .... and hoping that they will "change their ways". My prediction .... this is going to fail spectacularly, and the end result will be to embolden America`s enemies to be more demanding and more resilient in their efforts .... while ignoring our protestations and objections.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Should The U.S. Negotiate With The `Devil`? Updated at : 9:25 PM
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

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