Is This the End of Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela? -- Juan Nagel, Daily Beast

In the midst of runaway violence, inflation, and shortages of basic goods, Venezuela’s youth have taken to the streets—to take on its Orwellian government.

“I want to get out of here. I want to leave this country as soon as possible and never come back.”

The text from my friend Luis surprised me. A lawyer by training, he got his masters in urban planning from an elite Manhattan university, and had returned to Venezuela full of hope. He was hired by a local NGO working on poverty abatement issues. But now, he’s fed up.

“Nothing works. There are lines to buy everything. Prices have gone through the roof. You can’t go out at night for fear of getting shot. If you want to get married, finding a place to live is impossible. The country has become unlivable.”

Read more ....

Update: Venezuelan ‘Security Situation is Absolutely Out of Control’ -- Washington Free Beacon

My Comment: The weapons are in the hands of the government supporters .... and I will wager that most of them will not hesitate to use this fire power to keep their benefactor (the Venezuelan government) in power. But the civil unrest will continue and the economy will continue to implode making it all but impossible for anyone to dream of having a decent life in Venezuela .... expect the situation to get worse in Venezuela.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Is Venezuela Becoming Unlivable? Updated at : 1:00 AM
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

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