In Russia, World War II Is Suddenly Everywhere Again -- Washington Post

SOCHI, Russia — The pageant of Russian history presented in the Olympic Opening Ceremonies passed over the Soviet victory in World War II to the consternation of more than a few patriots. But the war seems to be making the news these days more than ever nonetheless.

Russian sacrifices in the fight against the Nazis 70 years ago were stupendous, and feelings still run deep. Every family paid a price, and the war haunts everyday life here in a way that short-memory Americans would find startling. But there’s another side to its legacy: For decades after the war, Soviet leaders sought to reinforce their legitimacy by exploiting the memory of the titanic struggle.

And today the Russian government appears to be turning in the same direction.

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My Comment: Honoring the memory of the Russian sacrifice in the Second World War was always prevalent in the former Soviet Union .... and it certainly is the case in present day Russia. I should know .... I grew up in it. The mass grave outside of my mother's home town is where my grandmother is buried. When I visited the Summer Palace outside of St. Petersburg last year .... the same wall that was left standing after the Nazis burned down the place is still there .... showing all the signs of fire and smoke damage. My father's war stories. The war stories from his "brothers in arms". My mother's stories. etc. etc. etc. The experience of the Second World War is ingrained in every Russian .... including me.

The Russian government's new focus on the Second World War is therefore nothing new .... in fact .... I would say that it has never changed. The scars are still all there, and I would wager that it would take a few more generations before it is downgraded to the same level that Americans are at when they look at their own "American civil war" .... an event that happened a long time ago but shaped the country that Americans live in today.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo The Memory Of World War II Is Alive And Well In Russia Today Updated at : 4:00 AM
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

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