This is a good piece,I like what Mr. Owens has to say here.

Connecticut’s anti-gun politicians (in both parties) and the media are beside themselves in a quivering rage.

Though they passed a blatantly unconstitutional law requiring citizens to register both their “modern muskets” and the standard-capacity magazines associated with such firearms, the response of the citizenry has been an overwhelming refusal to comply.

No one knows for sure precisely how many firearms labeled “assault weapons” by the state exist in Connecticut and so a precise estimate is impossible to obtain, but the most common estimate is that a minimum of 86-percent of citizens did not register their semi-automatic firearms as required by law, and that figure may be as high as nine in 10. Standard-capacity magazines are also required to be registered with the state under the same law, and non-compliance there may be even higher, in excess of 95-percent.

Predictably, the state and it’s big government supporters are stunned.

Connecticut politicians have become so adjusted to docile citizens compliantly forfeiting their rights to more government intrusion that they simply assumed a law setting up the registration of firearms for their eventual confiscation would be obeyed without question.

They’re now scrambling for what they would term “an appropriate response.”

Behind closed doors, we can assume that they are fuming, and would like nothing more than to arrest each and every gun-owning scofflaw within the state at gunpoint, with an appropriate show of overwhelming police presence at each. To date, they’re limited to the potential threat of sending out a strongly worded letter, but have balked at even talking that step.


Do you want to know why?
Go read the rest and see Bob crunch some numbers.

The results should explain why these gun grabbing pukes are quivering in impotent rage.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Bob Owens Does Basic Math For Connecticut Politicians. Updated at : 1:17 PM
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

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