How To Make A Herbal Sleep Tincture

'In my experience, there have been three extremely powerful natural remedies that have transformed the way I — and my family – sleep. And those have been herbal teas, homemade herbal sleep capsules, and the most effect has been the herbal tincture.

And the secret is the Valerian.

Valerian’s ability to help one sleep is literally incredible!

It works directly on the nervous system and produces a deep sleep almost instantly. 


helps to quite a restless mind

is not habit-forming 

does not cause a groggy feeling…in fact you should feel completely refreshed upon waking

is effectiveness against anxiety, stress, and headaches

can be taken in the middle of the night to help you fall back to sleep quickly improves mental function

My favorite way to use Valerian is in a tincture form…and today I want to share my recipe with you.'

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Posted by: Anonymous Make Your Own All-Natural Sleep Aid Updated at : 1:45 AM
Sunday, November 17, 2013

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