A U.S. Marine Corps mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicle provides security in the Now Zad district in Afghanistan's Helmand province, Feb. 16, 2014. The vehicle is assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment. The unit supported Afghan forces conducting an operation in the area. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Sean Searfus

How Not To Repeat The Soviet Defeat In Afghanistan -- Jim Michales, USA Today

WASHINGTON — Over the years, U.S. commanders in Afghanistan have paid close attention to the failed Soviet Union experience in that country as they developed their own campaign plans.

The Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979 in order to prop up a friendly government. They withdrew in 1989 as the Soviet Union disintegrated, leaving the Afghan forces to take the lead in fighting an American-funded insurgency.

John Allen, the Marine general who retired last year after serving as the top coalition commander in Afghanistan, said a study of the Soviet war in Afghanistan produced key lessons.

"I sought to apply those in the recommendations I made ultimately to my senior leadership and the president," Allen said in a talk at the Stimson Center, a think tank in Washington.

The key lesson: Without long-term foreign support and funding, the Afghan military and government will struggle to survive.

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My Comment: The problem with outsiders believing that they could impose their will/political system/ideology/etc. on Afghanistan is that the Afghans have a long historical tradition of automatically rejecting the influence that outsiders are trying to impose. .... even if it is in the best interests of the Afghans. The British learned this over a century ago. The Soviets in the 1980s and early 1990s. And now the U.S. and NATO. Bottom line .... let the Afghans sort out their mess by themselves .... and if they should bring back Al Qaeda and their affiliates (which I doubt) who then launch attacks against us .... well then .... make it very clear to them that if they should go down this stupid path again .... they will be bombed and invaded again.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Will The U.S. Repeat The Soviet Defeat In Afghanistan? Updated at : 4:30 AM
Monday, February 24, 2014

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