The Pentagon's five-year spending plan would be a total of $115 billion over sequestration spending caps. (Defense Department)

What’s On The Chopping Block—And What’s Safe—In The Pentagon’s Shrinking Budget? -- National Journal

This year’s scramble in Washington over the budget request will start Monday, when Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is expected to preview the fiscal 2015 Defense Department budget—a week before the official request goes to Congress.

Its first hint at budget priorities will spur the defense industry to start lobbying, lawmakers to stake out their priorities, and the Pentagon to launch a charm offensive on Capitol Hill. And everyone involved will be chasing the same goal: keeping their priorities safe from cuts, even if that means nudging someone else’s pet project.

Before the budget Hunger Games begin, here are a few key priorities that could be on the chopping block as the Pentagon decides how to cut tens of billions of dollars—and what might escape the ax.

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Sources: DoD 5-Year Spending Plan $115 Billion Over Budget Caps, Ignores Sequestration -- Defense News

Su-33 vs Mig-29K -- Information Dissemination

NATO Praises Ukraine Army for Staying Out of Crisis -- Defense News

Russia Develops 'Laser Shield' for Military Optical Devices -- RIA Novosti

Report says allies under attack must request Japan's assistance -- Stars and Stripes/Japan Times

South Korea-US military drills begin -- BBC

South Korea begins military drills with US despite North Korean opposition -- The Guardian

Iran Plans to Use Captured American Copter Against U.S. -- David Axe, War Is Boring

Italian marines row: India drops anti-piracy charge -- BBC

Germany Redoubles Support for Israel -- Defense News

Afghanistan will revert to being a terrorist haven after Allied military withdrawal, U.S. study warns -- Daily Mail

U.S. examines Afghanistan option that would leave behind 3,000 troops -- Washington Post

New Spy Satellites Revealed By Air Force; Will Watch Other Sats -- Breaking Defense

US to send two new spy satellites into space, says General William Shelton -- South China Morning Post

U.S. Air Force reveals ‘neighborhood watch' spy satellite program -- Reuters

US Air Force Launches New GPS Satellite -- Space.com

Boeing union approves contract lowering cost of military jets -- Stars and Stripes/St. Louis Post-Dispatch (MCT)

Air Force Reluctantly Upgrades A-10s After Congress Complains -- War Is Boring

Air Force Begins Massive B-1B Overhaul -- Defense Tech

Lockheed F-35 for Marines Delayed as Test Exposes Cracks -- Bloomberg

Air Force Launches Major New Strategy, Budget Looks; Start Work On Sixth Gen Fighter: CSAF Welsh -- Colin Clark, Breaking Defense

Nuke test scores fell flat during alleged cheating -- Stars and Stripes/AP

Navy develops 'world's smallest guided missile' -- Navy Times

Triton Testing Ahead of Schedule -- USNI News

War’s New Frontier: DOD presses for EMF spectrum used by cell phones for next generation weapons -- Washington Times

US Army Focuses on Boosting Tech -- Defense News

Fixing Strykers falls to soldiers as Army ends repair contract -- Stars and Stripes/The News Tribune (Tacoma, Wash.)

Comrades say Marine heroism tale of Iraq veteran was untrue -- Washington Post

Hagel Decides Not to Pursue Top Medal for Celebrated U.S. Marine Hero -- New York Times

Overseas military dog transfers to NYC police beat -- AP

NSA official warned of an insider threat 17 years before Snowden -- Stars and Stripes/Bloomberg News

It's time to break up the NSA -- Bruce Schneier, CNN

At the Pentagon, once a secret, always a secret — even if everyone knows -- Al Kamen, Washington Post

Quadrennial Review To Emphasize Middle East -- Defense News

U.S. troops are equipped with inferior, antiquated weapons -- Robert Scales, Washington Times

Why the Army should fire generals and promote captains -- Adrian Bonenberger, Washington Post
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- February 24, 2014 Updated at : 5:00 AM
Monday, February 24, 2014

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