What Next For Ukraine? -- BBC

Ukraine is in uncharted waters after President Viktor Yanukovych fled the capital Kiev and parliament voted to oust him.

A power vacuum opened up on 22 February when police suddenly abandoned their posts around government buildings and Mr Yanukovych's palatial residence, and huge crowds continued to throng the streets.

The stakes for Ukraine and its 45 million people are enormous, with the country's fate now part of a wider strategic battle between the West and Russia.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On The Crisis In Ukraine

Opinion: Only national reconciliation can prevent Ukraine's division -- Deutsche Welle
Deeply Bound to Ukraine, Putin Watches and Waits for Next Move -- Steven Lee Myers, New York Times
Ukraine: 'The dictatorship has fallen.' But what will take its place? -- Shaun Walker and Harriet Salem, The Guardian
Russia feels double-crossed over Ukraine – but what will Putin do? -- Simon Tisdall, The Guardian
Will Ukraine Break Apart? -- Masha Lipman, The New Yorker
What the West Must Do for Ukraine -- Ulrich Speck, New York Times
As His Fortunes Fell in Ukraine, a President Clung to Illusions -- Andrew Higgins, Andrew E. Kramer and Steven Erlanger, New York Times
Forget Kiev. The Real Fight Will Be for Crimea -- Andrei Malgin, Moscow Times
Ukraine’s Oligarchs Need to Step Up -- Matthew Rojansky, National Interest
Specter of Money Haunts Ukraine's Turmoil -- Ben Aris, Moscow Times
The Collapse of Ukraine’s Brief Hope for Peace? -- Fred Kaplan, Slate
Nervous uncertainty across Ukraine -- BBC
Ukraine’s Yulia Tymoshenko back on stage, but this revolution happened without her -- Will Englund, Washington Post
Former Soviet leader Gorbachev says Ukraine must hold together through crisis -- FOX News
How Ukraine lost control over its own destiny -- K.T. McFarland, FOX News
How Crimea differs from the rest of Ukraine -- AP
Ukraine revolution: fears Crimea could become next flashpoint -- The Telegraph
Ukrainian society: Fractured and fearing for the future -- David Stern, BBC News
Why Russia Won't Interfere -- Dmitri Treninf, New York Times
Crimea: Next flashpoint in Ukraine's crisis? -- Yaroslav Lukov BBC News
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On The Crisis In Ukraine Updated at : 12:00 PM
Monday, February 24, 2014

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