Sochi Games Over, Will Putin Take The Gloves Off? -- Timothy Heritage, Reuters

(Reuters) - For more than two weeks while Russia hosted the Winter Olympics, President Vladimir Putin did his best to show the world that he and his country have a soft side.

Now the Sochi Games are over, Western governments are concerned the smile will disappear and the gloves come off in Russia's tug-of-war with Europe over the fate of Ukraine.

The circus artists, dancers and flag bearers hardly had time to leave the stadium after the closing ceremony in Sochi before Russia announced it had recalled its ambassador from Ukraine for consultations in Moscow.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

How to Win Ukraine's Revolution -- Bloomberg editorial

Along Syrian Border, Lebanese Militias Are Forming -- Laure Stephan, World Crunch

Mr. Kerry’s futile Syria initiative -- Washington Post editorial

Leading from behind in Syria -- Doyle McManus, L.A. Times

The Collapse of Sanctions on Iran -- Lee Smith, Weekly Satndard

China Forgives and Forgets Its Old Enemy (Taiwan) -- Benny Avni, Newsweek

Don't believe the China hype: Time to engage with Beijing -- Konrad Yakabuski, The Globe and Mail

In Africa, agony and ivory -- Margaret Wente, The Globe and Mail

The Only Way Out is Exile -- Michael J. Totten, World Affairs

Venezuela's Useful Idiots -- Michael Moynihan, The Daily Beast

Venezuela on the brink -- Miami Herald editorial

What's Next for Strife-Torn Venezuela? -- Sandra Lilley, NBC

Amid the coverage of Ukraine, is a crisis in Venezuela being ignored? -- Adam Taylor, Washington Post

As Allies Fell, Noose Closed on 'El Chapo' Guzman -- Martin Duran, Elliot Spagat & Michael Weissenstein, Real Clear World

Will the capture of the world’s most powerful drug trafficker change anything? -- Tim Fernholz, Quartz

Facebook stock is not so different from bitcoin -- Rob Cox, Reuters
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- February 24, 2014 Updated at : 4:00 PM
Monday, February 24, 2014

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